Hello. Looking for a practial way to get into the downtown area for a few rides this summer (CCMes, Lake Shore, general urban cycling for architecture, good food and a brew or two). I will be coming from northern Indiana and would like to minimize any driving while still making the trip practical.

The overnight CTA routes seem to be a bit west, but they are an option if I drive in over the Skyway. The South Shore, which departs from South Bend, Indiana, will not accept bikes unless it is broken down, is in a bike specific bag, and it does not run all night.

Can anyone recommend a solution, a good place to park and ride in, or any other option I might consider?


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The South Shore Cultural Center has free parking and is at the end of the Lakeshore Bicycle path at 71st Street. Like all parks in Chicago, it closes at 11:00 pm., however.
Answer is simple - a folding bike. I'm obsessed with buying the Canada branded Bazooka Explorer with 20" wheels. You can take those puppies anywhere anytime - bus, train, airplane, whatever. I fully intend on taking one on an extended tour at some point, with trailer or panniers.

Light models come in aluminum frames. Dahon is an obvious and the most popular choice. Huge range of folders on the upper end with Brompton, Bike Friday, etc. Schwinn has two models on the market but I'm more impressed with Raleigh UK's range of folders:


Some of the coolest folding bikes in production are from Moulton - and the full history of Moulton folding bikes since the 1950's is on this site:


Most affordable folders are from Citizen, Bestco, and you can get a nice lightweight Kent folder from Wal-Mart...

If it were me and I had the money I would wind up getting a Bike Friday or Brompton I could ride fully loaded.
Kristian: I had not considered Metra, and that is much closer to the Skyway, as you mention. Thank you. I will review their policy on bikes as well as their times for more info.

David: That is good to know as well. 11 pm is probably fine for day rides. Thanks.

Matt: I hear you on the folding bikes (there is a vintage one on the s.bend craigslist that I partially considered). But I'm enjoying what I have far too greatly. Info is much appreciated.


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