I passed the start of the eastbound Jackson Cycle Track and snapped the following pics.

Apart from the info that it's 6 days since rain and moderate temps melted the majority of the snow, the pictures say it all.

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I thought Advil donated some type of plow to plow these...

I was there yesterday and noticed the same thing.

This picture makes me wonder if enough people are riding this cycle track to result in anything getting done about its neglect.

I'm sure they'll be better maintained after we have another 97 miles of them installed.

People aren't riding the Cycle Track  -they are riding the street here and ignoring the spot that the city is also ignoring. 

Just take the lane.  If the city wants people to ride down that sh1t then they better plow it.

Really wish I would have snapped photos of the Kinzie lane after both snowfalls the past two weeks.  To be fair, street conditions weren't much better than the bike lane during last week's snowstorm but still...

Unfortunately, taking the lane during a snowstorm in rush hour isn't always possible.

I sure hope so.

Kevin C said:

I'm sure they'll be better maintained after we have another 97 miles of them installed.


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