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I saw that elsewhere this morning; not plesant to watch.

how does something like that get videotaped ? seems like whoever recorded it had the perfect vantage point, clear sightlines, and even sound ? 

That happened on Mullholland freeway in CA, it is a very popular place for motorcyclists to "play" on public roads. great video and photo ops of high end street bikes in action... cyclists are just in their way.


I hope that the Motorcycle rider had good insurance.   That's so clearly a single fault accident.    One can also hope that the cyclists were not badly hurt, but that certainly would shake me.  That's the unlikely, but greatly feared, accident of being hit from behind.

Chalk one up for the bicyclists wearing helmets !

I have ingrained that into my son.

Imagine if the first rider he hit had NOT been wearing a helmet....?

What kind of damage do you think he would have had when he smacked the back of his nugget on the ground? What a "POP" !




So did the motorcyclist do that on purpose or what?

With all disrespect,


That's how it looked to me, too.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

From the way he is wandering from the inside to outside of his lane it looks like he went into the corner with too much speed for the radius of the curve and had the road been empty would have very barely made it around. Essenitally the motorcycle is going fast enough that they're out of control.


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