I think Scott Rowan will be on the Mike McConnell show at 8:30am?


I keep hearing ads for McConnells' show on WGN about "those people on bikes who clog the streets" but no program details.


Must be related to this article as the producer asks him to be on the show in the comments section:



I encourage 'Linkers to call in and provide sane opinions to counteract the sure-to-be Ragers calling to lambaste us all.

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I heard the same the same promo will try and listen and call in.

Gin and Eugene should be a model for any response since they basically mopped the floor with him factwise. Unfortunately I doubt the other venues are going to be as fair-minded as WTTW.


It's kind of amazing how much distance he's getting out of a weak troll.

Amen Peen, This fat fuck isn't worth the effort. If ya call in keep it cool. He had a piece in the OP-ED section of the Sunday Trib, this time saying that Mass should have corporate sponsorship. Yutz.
In a state of half sleep this morning I heard that some alderman are proposing a No Texting while cycling ordinance  on NPR. A good idea but it sure seems like another example of scapegoating cyclists. I can't imagine a motorist texting while driving.
I thought Rowan's 15 minutes were up 15 minutes ago.
It is illegal for motorists to text and drive already.  I'm guessing the no texting while cycling ordinance will be enforced as consistently.

jonathan said:
In a state of half sleep this morning I heard that some alderman are proposing a No Texting while cycling ordinance  on NPR. A good idea but it sure seems like another example of scapegoating cyclists. I can't imagine a motorist texting while driving.

I recorded the Broadcast and embedded it...


UGH! There is no one that man could ever claim to be "pro cycling" 


Why Rowan is anti other cyclists:


a) complaining that his cab fair went from $8 to $25 because of critical mass, why wasn't he cycling to his destination if he's such a hardcore rider?  


b) Repeated that saying "Happy Friday" is equal to flipping someone off. 


c) called people who ride in mass "lunatics" 


d) Was hesitant to defend people turning left when someone wants to turn left. After he finally stated that taking the left lane when turning left was correct, he continued on that motorist didn't understand the rule because cyclist antagonize motorists and cyclist should avoid busy streets. 


e) Didn't defend the hosts prolomations that streets are for cars.  


Ugh I hate listening to that bullshit. 


Who the f**** does this guy know/is related to that he keeps getting publicity. 


I could not even make it through all this smucks BS. His story has changes each time he finds an outlet that will let him spout off - now he has never participated because he does not want to be a hypocrite.


When the host asks him about taking back the streets that he is unaware that the streets were built for bicycles - WTF does the host even know the rules of the road??? ...And "our" advocate’s response speaks volumes of what type of advocate he is.

They should have been.  I hate the fact that the Trib put that stupid recycled blog piece on the front page of a Sunday Perspective section.

Bernard Joseph Hannigan said:
I thought Rowan's 15 minutes were up 15 minutes ago.
I could not sit and listen to the whole broadcast without it making me steaming mad- I had to turn it off. I wish the guy (Rowan) would just own up and admit he is just pandering his book and shut his mouth already.  Of course, since he is getting his 15+ minutes of fame and free advertising for his shoddy book (I can't imagine he even knows how to bicycle in an urban environment considering how he talks about it), he will keep spouting his poison.

Until measurable and meaningful steps are taken to allow cycling to be seen as a viable alternative, people like him will continue to get lots of publicity because he is a cyclist who validates their opinions. 


IMO, people generally view cycling as either a recreational activity and exercise (as the "urban cyclist") or they view it as a transportation means for the economically less fortunate and young.  After all, anybody who is anybody in the city in the city either drives or takes taxi. 


This guy validates the majority viewpoint that normal people take taxi or drive and marginalizes most of us who choose to ride as a primary form of transportation.  I have a car, I drive roughly once every other month.  I have had people ask me why I don't drive more, and it's part of my lifestyle. 


It is this perception that leads to attitudes that marginalize traffic incidents...  Car on ped or car on cyclist are generally labeled "accidents".  A driver can run someone over on a bike and generally only get a slap on the wrist. 

Yet if I bring my handgun to the city, I load it and happen to let it misfire if I were to drop it, I would most certainly go to jail for a long time.  To me it's kinda insane that cars can be used as weapons and yet there is almost no protection for those of us completely unarmed. 


I think NYC had the right idea, shut down lanes of traffic for bike and pedo, continue to raise revenue by charging exorbitant parking fees in the city, and lets not forget some tolls so Rahm can fix the roads. 
Liz said:

Who the f**** does this guy know/is related to that he keeps getting publicity. 


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