Wouldn't you love to live in a city like this?


I was surprised though at how few people were wearing helmets.

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No, because I would have to find a new thing to waste my time on.

In Copenhagen people ride their bikes because it is faster, cheaper, more convenient, not because they want to make a statement (environmentalist/hipster/anti-car/fill in your favorite message here) about their bicycle riding. As such, I doubt there is any "bicycle culture" as we know it in the US. Hence no Chainlink in Copenhagen either. No what do I do with my time?
Copenhagen bikes (including "hybrid" bike hub):

People don't wear helmets in Denmark because riding a bike is not considered a dangerous activity there, but don't worry the helmet fanatics are try to convert them of they're heathen ways.
"...a sensor kit that monitors CO, NOx, noise (db)..."

I am unsure if I would want to know what I am breathing in or the decibel level of a siren. None of it can be very good for a bicyclist or pedestrian. Though if enough data was collected it could help push the bicycling/pedestrian cause.

Andy Finko said:
Copenhagen bikes (including "hybrid" bike hub):

looks boring.


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