I've recently decided to give my bicycle a name. I know it's kind of cheesy but I know a lot of people who do it. I figured people name cars and musical instruments so why not? I'd prefer a name that is color specific or would have something to do with the mood and look of an all black bicycle.


All ideas - zany, emo, hip, etc. - will all be considered. 


Thanks for your help!

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What, no one threw out Black Stallion yet, COME ON! Great kids movie from the 80s. Also the Choco Taco, Burzum (Fucked Up Black Metal Band from Norway, Google 'Em they were batshit crazy).
bwwhahah...another classic from the Grubologist...

Peenworm Grubologist said:
squid frightener
I name all my bikes starting with the letter B. That is the name I gave my ghetto slush princess.

Christian Branch said:
HA! lol Boniqua.
I never ever knew that. I never really see any other black Schwinns, but I never see that many other schwinns parked or passing me on my route anyway. I love it tons more now.

Michael Brosilow said:
Inky. btw Black is a rare color for a Schwinn Racer or any Schwinn for that matter. I have a '64 Racer in blue.
Nice lol

Juan said:
I name all my bikes starting with the letter B. That is the name I gave my ghetto slush princess.

Christian Branch said:
HA! lol Boniqua.

I've chosen to name the bike Inky.


Thanks to everyone for all of your help and your funny, interesting, and creative responses.


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