I've recently decided to give my bicycle a name. I know it's kind of cheesy but I know a lot of people who do it. I figured people name cars and musical instruments so why not? I'd prefer a name that is color specific or would have something to do with the mood and look of an all black bicycle.


All ideas - zany, emo, hip, etc. - will all be considered. 


Thanks for your help!

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here's three of the top o' my head:

1. nightmare

2. wicked

3. bart

I call mine "Shadow".

few ideas:

Raven, coal, Tar , Asphalt , panther, sheep, bird, friday, sabbath, hawk down, eyed pea, berry, and decker, magic woman, Rebbecca, Jack.

Woah. Awesome.

Midnight, Ninja, Noir
I'm loving all these cool ideas and I now wanna get  into German folklore...Thanks @James BlackHeron. Everyone keep 'em comin'.

I see what you did there ;)


Dubi Kaufmann said:

few ideas:

Raven, coal, Tar , Asphalt , panther, sheep, bird, friday, sabbath, hawk down, eyed pea, berry, and decker, magic woman, Rebbecca, Jack.

squid frightener

Black betty, Boniqua, Blak Buster...

HA! lol Boniqua.
i think we need a pic to help 'put a face to a name'


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