"Construction along busy routes makes for dangerous cycling season" Chicago Tribune

The "Hipster Highway," the nickname for a stretch of Milwaukee Avenue heavily used by bicyclists, is caught in a paradox.

The popularity of biking along the Northwest Side arterial, with its stretches of marked or protected bike lanes and its connections to downtown and The 606 trail, has contributed to the appeal of surrounding neighborhoods.

But the trendiness of Goose Island and Logan Square and the improved economy have prompted construction along Milwaukee, which in turn has led to some unnerving months for cyclists, who have had to dodge trucks and construction fencing while rattling their bones over broken pavement. Art student Lisa Kuivinen, 20, was killed on Aug. 16 by a truck that went into the bike lane during morning rush hour.

"I don't think it's ever been this bad," said attorney Jeffrey Kroll, who represents victims of bike crashes, including the family of Virginia Murray, 25, killed by a flatbed truck in July. "The city of Chicago wants people on bikes, but there's not a safe route for these bikes when you're blocking a lane due to construction."

For the full article go here: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-bike-crashes-g...

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Thanks for posting this Gene. It's a pretty decent article.

I used to think the term "hipster highway" was funny and clever and it bums me out now. It makes incorrect assumptions that only young, hip people ride when riding a bike is truly for everyone and Milwaukee Ave is an excellent example of this. 


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