Constantly scaring would be doorers. A guilty accidental pleasure.

Having learned the hard way about getting doored before the bliss of buffered bike lanes. Riding the streets since then has me riding slow enough on tight busy streets, looking into cars to see if there are people.So far with that habit, I always manage to stop on time as the occupants push the door open and they see me right there. I don't intend to scare them but it always turns out that way, with them screaming in fright at times.

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Very cool, and easy to find on line.  I wear a full mask (evil clown) and "gogglish" sport glasses (prescription -- blind as a bat without 'em) that darken in daylight, so I can wear 'em at night.  You can wiggle their bows through the maks's eye opening. I know what you mean about frosting/fogging up, and found a couple of techniques that help.  One is to exhale through your mouth, with your upper lip pressed against the mask; this directs all that "steam" down and away.  The other is to lift your goggles up and away from your face for a minute -- especially when you have to stop at a light.  I wonder if they make clear lens goggles like the ones you're wearing -- they are seriously badazz :).


They sell clear lenses for that particular frame. I enjoy that breathing technique you mentioned. It helps to deflect the moisture and keep my neck and chest warm.

Rich Evans said:

Very cool, and easy to find on line.  I wear a full mask (evil clown) and "gogglish" sport glasses (prescription -- blind as a bat without 'em) that darken in daylight, so I can wear 'em at night.  You can wiggle their bows through the maks's eye opening. I know what you mean about frosting/fogging up, and found a couple of techniques that help.  One is to exhale through your mouth, with your upper lip pressed against the mask; this directs all that "steam" down and away.  The other is to lift your goggles up and away from your face for a minute -- especially when you have to stop at a light.  I wonder if they make clear lens goggles like the ones you're wearing -- they are seriously badazz :).


Hating 'em, too, Anne, but with the caveat in mind that they probably don't have a lot of perspective about how far the right side of their car sticks out, and want to err on the side of caution.  Probably the worst offenders already took out the garage door frame on the passenger side in the past.  I just wish they knew to - at least - take turns passing the parked car with oncoming traffic, rather than barrel down the street as if there were four open lanes.

Don't bike with the hate, people - it'll distract you from the next surprise.

I think it depends on the bell. I have a loud ding-dong bell that seems to get people's attention as they think they are going to be hit by an ice cream cart.

Noah Weiss 1.2 km said:

I wonder if using a whistle would get people's attention better than a bell.

Winter riding version 2.0 might have more oomph in the scary department this next time round.

lol @ v2.0

Funny thing happened after I posted this that night, I had a nightmare my wife had to shake me out of.


Perhaps giving me a taste of my own medicine?

Mark Potts said:

lol @ v2.0

I've been meaning to see if I can create a battery powered horn on Li-ION. A long time ago I was in this huge truck stop and they had small speakers that were loud as hell. Only like 3 inches in diameter. I bet they run off 12 volt.

Great mask, JUan! I've got one like it, and it's great wind/frostbite protection.  One word of caution (and I do speak from experience on this), do NOT wear it into 7-11 :)

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Winter riding version 2.0 might have more oomph in the scary department this next time round.

Good bit of advice for sure! So glad you lived to tell about it. LOL

Rich Evans said:

Great mask, JUan! I've got one like it, and it's great wind/frostbite protection.  One word of caution (and I do speak from experience on this), do NOT wear it into 7-11 :)



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