Connecting route from N Shore Channel Trail to N Branch Trail ?

I've been extending my commute home by heading north to Howard St (via Glenwood, Pratt, and Sacramento) and coming back down the North Shore Channel Trail along McCormick, to Devon, then Kedzie, then back on the trail to Lawrence.

I want to head further west to the North Branch Trail and was wondering if anyone had a bike friendly route to the start of that trail at Devon and Caldwell.

I'll be traveling at night (at rush hour), so I'm not comfortable riding on Howard or Devon.  Is Pratt, west of McCormick, a good route?  Is it too busy?  It starts off alongside the shopping center.  I'll have to use Howard, Touhy, Pratt or Devon to cross the Edens, but is there a good route limiting my time on any of those?

If Pratt's OK, I was thinking Pratt, to Minnehaha, to Devon, to the trail, to Superdawg, and then south on Elston.

Any advice?  Thanks.

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I've also used Church/Beckwith from Evanston to the North Branch and found it very workable, but that's a few miles out of your way.

Glad to hear that it worked well for you.

JeffB said:

I took Pratt tonight and it was definitely the right route.  Well paved, wide, and moderate traffic.  It did get narrower west of the Edens, but not too bad.  I turned on Minnehaha and took that to Devon, but I could have just taken it to Central and then to Devon.  Riding the bottom of the North Branch Trail to Milwaukee was cool after dark, even though I almost ran into some deer.  I found a new commute to use when I want to add some miles
David R Glass said:

I live in Evanston and routinely take Pratt from McCormick west across the Edens and then zigsag to Caldwell and Devon. Pratt isn't too bad from McCormick to Crawford. West of Crawford it can get busy but it is wide enough that even I on my low recumbent don't have a problem. West of Edens it becomes narrow so I just take to the side streets where you need to be careful because they run at odd angles. I have yet to find a better alternative.

I "discovered" this stretch of Lincoln last fall.  Lincoln north of Howard is totally different from Lincoln south of Howard.  North of Howard, Lincoln is a only single lane in each direction with little traffic.  Many sections have been repaved and there are bike lanes along the way.  There is a jog at Oakton, but once you navigate that, it will take you directly to the NBT at Dempster.  To get to Howard, I take Granville west to Kedzie, then Kedzie north to Howard.

JeffB said:

No, I'm looking just to use that southern 1 mile section of the North Branch trail to get to Milwaukee/Elston and then head south to home.  But how's the traffic on Lincoln up there?  Seems like it would be busy.

Mark said:

If your goal is to head north on the North Branch Trail, I like taking Howard west to Lincoln, then NW on Lincoln all the way to where it ends at Dempster next to the North Branch Trail.  This avoids a lot of the meandering at the south end of the NBT.

Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind if I want to extend the commute further.  I'm trying to increase my mileage this year and am looking for longer daily rides that are interesting and safe.  So glad DST starts this weekend

John Wirtz said:

I agree Pratt is probably your best option.  If you feel like going farther north, Main Street would be pretty decent if the pavement were in better condition.  Even farther north, Church Street is my favorite route to the North Branch Trail, but it sounds like it's not a convenient option for you.


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