A huge mazel tov to Chainlink's Julie H. on her engagement to Ari this weekend. I don't know any details outside of her changed status on Facebook, but wanted to raise a virtual glass and wish them many years of happiness and many miles of bike rides.
Awww, that is so great!! Cheers, Julie and Ari!
Julie Hochstadter said:
I guess it was inevitable. Gotta love the interception of private life online but I'm not much of a private one anyways :))Story is pretty simple, although in our world, a little unique as you will see below. It involves a cat with ties to the bicycle community (he was found under Randy Neufeld's porch).Rami exhausted after such a big delivery...and relieved he said yes!
Wow, congratulations!
so wait, who is marrying the cat? isn't that illegal?
I am a little slow today...Did you propose? Or what the message from Rami just hint?
Anyway. Congratulations Julie!
Congratulations, Julie. I'm very happy for you both.
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