Fellow bike commuters, I have a question: Does your office building have a bike room? If so, is there a fee to park your bike and how much? My building is about to impose a fee and I'm curious how it compares. Thanks.

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My last job was at 55 W. Monroe, where there's a nice indoor bike room that is VERY secure.  Everyone working in the building gets a security access card with a chip in it.  Each person has a set of access permissions on their card that is unique to them.  Several years ago, they added an "amenities center" a few floors up from the main level, where there's a small health club with showers and a small bike room, both next to the freight elevator, which I reached from the loading dock.  There is no fee for either the health club or bike room.  I had to fill out a release form to use both, and access permission was added to my card.  The only people with access to the bike room were permitted tenants and some building staff.  There were never more than 10 bikes in the room, and there were no theft problems.


I previously worked at 221 N. LaSalle (at Wacker) from 1997-99.  At that time, they added a bike room off the parking garage due to tenant demand.  I think there was space for about 20-30 bikes, with an annual fee of $30 or 35 dollars.  I had to fill out a release form and pay the fee to get a key to the room, which was often full in warmer months.  Access was limited to paid users and a handful of building staff.  There were no theft problems.  There was a small health club in another area of the basement, which charged a nominal monthly fee.  To reach the bike room, I had to enter the garage from the alley (1-way ramp) and exit using the same ramp as cars, going out onto Lower Wacker.  That part was always an adventure.


I recently interviewed for a job in the Wrigley Building and learned that they have a bike room, with access from the loading dock.  I did not find out the specifics about fee (if any) and other details, just that the bike room exists there.

I park outside, in front of the Skydeck/Tower Parking deck (for tenants only), because indoor parking with showers at the Sears/Willis Tower is $25 a month for us tenants/office workers. I debated early on getting this but it seems like a waste of cash to me. The rack that a co-worker and I prefer to park at is in high demand in the summer, but usually only sports one or two bikes (mine and the aforementioned coworker) in the winter, so it's not so bad. I just have to get to work earlier in the summer to not have to cross the crazy (now 2-way) Franklin traffic at 5pm.

120 S. State...


Bike room and showers.  It's one of the reasons our office is located there. 


I think we might want to move sometime this year, but we're having a hard time finding other space that offers showers and bike room.  Having said that, I seem to be the only one at the firm who uses the shower.  The bike room is an absolute must though. 


I used to work at 500 W. Madison.  No bike room there, but the racks were covered by the tracks on the Washington side.  That was a tolerable situation, but not ideal.  I'll never know how people do it when they have to leave their bike out in the elements all day every day.  That's really hard on your equipment.

I appreciate all of the feedback. My old building had a small bike room in the loading dock and it was first come, first serve which seemed to work fine. My new building is going to impose a $35/month fee. I'm a year-round commuter, so that'll add up over 12 months. Building mgmt. thinks first come, first serve is unfair to whomever gets there late. I'm debating what to do. I don't really want to leave my bike out in the elements all year (and do worry about theft), but $35/month is steep.

We have a bike rack in the loading dock area.

I don't see why anyone would charge? If you are riding during the day have a good lock,take the seat off and move it everyday you shouldn't have problem with theft.


For those worried about the elements esp. in the winter, get a "winter bike" a rideable bike but who cares if it gets salty slushy,rusty it's a point A to B bike.

$25/mo?  Ouch!  I have a few friends who go into work early for the same reason as you - needing to beat the rush for the good bike parking.

Rhea Butcher said:
I park outside, in front of the Skydeck/Tower Parking deck (for tenants only), because indoor parking with showers at the Sears/Willis Tower is $25 a month for us tenants/office workers. I debated early on getting this but it seems like a waste of cash to me. The rack that a co-worker and I prefer to park at is in high demand in the summer, but usually only sports one or two bikes (mine and the aforementioned coworker) in the winter, so it's not so bad. I just have to get to work earlier in the summer to not have to cross the crazy (now 2-way) Franklin traffic at 5pm.
$35/mo - wow, that is steep.

MPW said:
I appreciate all of the feedback. My old building had a small bike room in the loading dock and it was first come, first serve which seemed to work fine. My new building is going to impose a $35/month fee. I'm a year-round commuter, so that'll add up over 12 months. Building mgmt. thinks first come, first serve is unfair to whomever gets there late. I'm debating what to do. I don't really want to leave my bike out in the elements all year (and do worry about theft), but $35/month is steep.

I wish I could share info on that, but it was already decided by the time I started working there.


At 55 W. Monroe, I asked HR in my office if they'd put in a request to building management.  I also put in direct requests to building management, and I know a few others who did likewise.

Cameron Puetz said:

Were you involved in the tenant push to get a bike room at 221 N. LaSalle? If so, what did you do that worked, and what did you do that didn’t work?

Millenium Park is $25/month as well, and for me includes a 5+ block walk each way. In terms of time and effort, almost like doing an extra daily commute. New York addressed this last year with a Bicycle Access to Office Buildings Law

Anne Alt said:
$25/mo?  Ouch!  I have a few friends who go into work early for the same reason as you - needing to beat the rush for the good bike parking.

I work at the Field Museum. Not only do we have a no-fee bike cage, but we have free shower facilities as well. In addition, we can bring our bikes into our workspaces if need be. But bear in mind, though, that our paychecks are also laughably small.


You should find out what exactly they need the fee for. If they have to pay somebody to attend to it, that might be legit. Unfortunately, until there are enough cyclists using it, you might not be able to do much to pressure them into providing it as an amenity that comes with the rent.


Hope this helps.

I think the bike station at Millenium Park jumped up to $30/mo this year, unless you're one of the lucky handful who have annual memberships and then I don't know what it costs. Last year they were $150 and that's what the website still says: http://www.chicagobikestation.com/memberships.htm


I walk 4 blocks fromt he bike station to work and it's no big deal. It's a nice walk, really, and way better than parking my bike outside on the street all day and going w/o a shower after a sweaty commute. While it would be awesome if my building provided sheltered, secure parking and a shower, the bike station makes daily commuting possible for me. I consider $30/mo cheap for all the benefits I get out of being able to ride every day.

Kevin Conway said:

Millenium Park is $25/month as well, and for me includes a 5+ block walk each way. In terms of time and effort, almost like doing an extra daily commute. New York addressed this last year with a Bicycle Access to Office Buildings Law

Anne Alt said:
$25/mo?  Ouch!  I have a few friends who go into work early for the same reason as you - needing to beat the rush for the good bike parking.

My building (123 N Wacker at Wacker and Randolph) has no inside bike storage (there are city racks on the street), but does have a fitness / shower facility that is $25 a month.  I gladly pay the $25 for the daily shower as that is what makes it possible for me to commute.


Parking the bike outside has never been an issue.  I've had minimal problems with security.  While I guess it would be nice to have a covered place to store my bike during the day, the fact is that it is not exposed to anything outside that I wouldn't be riding in anyway.  If I had to choose between having a shower or having inside storage, I would always choose having a shower.


Anne Alt said:

$25/mo?  Ouch!  I have a few friends who go into work early for the same reason as you - needing to beat the rush for the good bike parking.

Rhea Butcher said:
I park outside, in front of the Skydeck/Tower Parking deck (for tenants only), because indoor parking with showers at the Sears/Willis Tower is $25 a month for us tenants/office workers. I debated early on getting this but it seems like a waste of cash to me. The rack that a co-worker and I prefer to park at is in high demand in the summer, but usually only sports one or two bikes (mine and the aforementioned coworker) in the winter, so it's not so bad. I just have to get to work earlier in the summer to not have to cross the crazy (now 2-way) Franklin traffic at 5pm.


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