Come out in defense of Boulevard Bike Lane tomorrow (Weds/5:30)

Hoping to reach a few more folks who live near or make use of the Marshall Boulevard bike lane.

If you live in the area please try to make this meeting-- I don't know for sure, but suspect the majority of attendees will be there to complain about the bike lane (which is the impetus for the meeting.)


Community Meeting
Wednesday, September 25th
5:30 pm
Saucedo Academy School
2850 West 24th Blvd.
School Auditorium

Discuss Bike Lanes on the Boulevard.
Representatives from CDOT will be present for questions.

Sponsored By:
Alderman Cardenas, 12th Ward

Reunión Comunitaria
Miércoles 25 de Septiembre
5:30 PM
Escuela Saucedo Academy
2850 West 24th Blvd
Auditorio de la Escuela

Dialogar sobre los Carriles de bicicletas en el Bulevar.
Representantes del Departamento de Transporte estarán presentes.

Patrocinado por:
Concejal Cardenas, Distrito 12

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It would be nice if those meetings were ever scheduled so people with jobs could make it to them...

Agree--- it's going to be hard for me to make it and I work 4 blocks away...

notoriousDUG said:

It would be nice if those meetings were ever scheduled so people with jobs could make it to them...

Do you ever get the feeling that they do this on purpose? ;)

I used to Student Teach at Saucedo. Wish I could make it but I have another meeting to attend tonight. . . 

Dangnabit! Why Wednesday at 5:30! Please represent!

I'll be there!

Holy effing mother of Jesus, that was painful.


Are you still there, Alex? 90+ minutes was all I could take.

OK, now that I have some distance...

Some of the comments:

-"I saw a guy who got injured and the ambulances couldn't get to him because of the bike lane-- does anyone know what happened to him? Does anyone know what happened to him?" I mean, didn't they think about how ambulances are going to get through?"

-"If you think this is a huge safety risk now, just wait, just wait.... I mean, how are the snow plows going to get through? How are they going to plow it? I mean, they're not even going to be able to plow that thing."

-"(sobbing) my child can't get health care now (more sobbing)"

-"I don't own property, but has anyone thought of what the lack of parking is going to do to property values?"

Talk about depressing and disempowering. I wasn't as much concerned about the comments from the residents as much as I was about the comments from the Alderman, who eventually turned the "discussion" into a monologue. I didn't feel welcome to speak up, mostly because he only opened it to residents of the boulevard who have parking problems and not, say... people who commute through it! 

He said Little Village didn't have a cycling culture. Well... how does a cycling culture come about if you have a bunch of through-ways that are not bicycle-friendly? And... what is he talking about? I work at a youth program in the heart of the Village and I have around 15 kids who ride. The bike rack in front of our center is always full when adult classes are in session... and well, what about me? I sold my car. Am I to blame for a "lack" of parking on the boulevard?

"What about the chiilllddreeen?!"


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