As I was quickly sipping coffee before running out the door, I wondered, does anyone bring a thermos of coffee with them on their ride to work or do you A) drink if before you leave or B) drink a cup when you get to work?


Is it dangerous to ride with coffee in a thermos?


(maybe this just another deep thought of a bike commuter)

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This is an interesting question and I look forward to hearing other people's opinions.  As usual mine will probably fall solidly on one contriversial hard-line side of the debate.   I really don't mind what others do but this is my own logic when it comes to my personal choice regarding coffee on a bicycle.


I drink my coffee at home before I head out.  I feel the streets are dangerous enough out there for us riders these days without adding more complexity and things that distract me from the important task at hand (not getting squished by cagers who don't care on whit about our safety.)


I see a mug or thermos of coffee in the hand while pedaling to be no different than a cell phone. It is a distraction.   If it is just a thermos in the bottle cage or cargo basket to be saved and and consumed at a destination after stopping that is another thing.  Consuming it en route is just something I think is an unsafe distraction.


When Chicago streets become like Copenhagen (or better) then I just might put in that coffee holder on my bike for occasional use.  Until then I'll keep my head on a swivel when riding as well as when I'm stopped.   I feel the danger doesn't go away waiting for a light to change -in fact I think it is one of most dangerous spots on the road.  Most peds get hit in crosswalks or intersections and I don't think that is much different for bikes -stopped or not.


I will take a swish of cold water from my bottle to stay hydrated when it is clear on the road -but the thought of messing around with hot liquids while riding just makes me feel unsafe.   I can simply drop my cheap (B2W Week swag!) water bottle if it becomes necessary and go for my brakes or make an emergency evasive maneuver -and I won't need to worry about spilling hot or messy-sugary liquid all over myself.  It's just water.  I can always go back and pick up my plastic water bottle when it is safe again (I don't litter either.)


The same is true for in the car as well.  I don't drive with hot coffee in the car.  I'm driving -not having breakfast.  I can drink coffee when I get where I'm going -or take it before I leave.  


But it's a free world.  As bicycle riders about the only person that is going to be hurt when we mess up is ourselves.  If one is comfortable taking the increased risks of getting hit by some other vehicle on the road that isn't really prepared or caring to look out for us, or getting preoccupied by an object like a coffee cup that is competing for our limited attention resources, then go right ahead. It is just something I chose not to do for my own safety.  

I bring along a plastic sippie-type cup I got at au bon pain. I can flick it open to take a sip and flick it closed again. Works for me, except it does not fit in my bottle cage as well as I'd like. I'm always looking for a handle bar mount cup holder, so if anyone can recommend a good one let me know.
I make it an iced coffee
Origin8 makes some nice coffee cup holders for under $20.  Most LBS's should have them.  There are 3 different sizes of them so they really need to be fitted to the brand/size of coffee cup you are using or where you buy your coffee.
I found a very small thermos that fits into my water bottle holder.  I only drink it at stop lights, and it has leaked onto the bike, but it's definitely worth it to me when the one cup I usually have at home doesn't do the trick.
Ive been know to drink coffee on my way to work. My trick is to get a grande coffee in a venti cup so there is what I call extra wiggle room. I have only ever lost one cup and I dont really consider it lost It was used as a projectile against a car that cut me off.

I don't drink coffee while biking (or any hot, non-clear liquid for that matter), but I do occasionally bring some with me to drink at my destination.  I use an OXO Good Grips LiquiSeal Travel Mug and have never once had it leak, with the caveat that if you fill it with really hot liquid and then bring it out into a really cold environment (a.k.a., winter).  Simply open and close it once to break the seal and that seems to fix everything.


"Is it dangerous to ride with coffee in a thermos?" It's more dangerous in my belly...

I have a whole routine where Coffee is the first step in the process of starting my day, and riding a bicycle is like third on that list.

Cold-pressed ice coffee.  It will change your life (or at least give you one less excuse not to commute).  It's really easy to make and, once you get accustomed to the taste, is richer and more flavorful.


It's also really convenient.  You make it the night before, so don't have to make coffee in the morning when you're rushing out. 


If you grind your own beans, use a coarse ground and a few extra spoons (if you buy pre-ground, make sure beans are ground coarsely).  Put the ground coffee it into a container, fill with some cold filtered water (check internet for ratios), and stir.  Put it in the fridge over night.  Then filter in the morning into a waterbottle or thermos with some ice (your normal water bottle works fine until it gets really cold outside).


I pour filtered water into yogurt cups for ice, so it doesn't corrupt the flavor. 


It's easiest with a press pot, because the filter and lid are built in.


You'll have to experiment a bit with ratios.  So you may have to suffer a week or so of mediocre coffee.  But it's cheaper and better over the long run.




I drink iced coffee and hot coffee and tea and anything else I might like while ridding to work. I use Elston and feel more than safe enough in the bike lane to take a sip.

Vando this is the holder I have.

Fits the starbucks iced thermos really well. Very well made I got it at Iron Cycles in Albany Park.

i bring a thermos that fits nicely in my water bottle carrier and it's nice and hot all day, real nice for lemonade in the summer.  And it stays cold or hot all day, whichever you prefer.  I've seen kids out here talk on the phone and skateboard or ride a bike, not such a safe thing for the cyclist to do.  But bringing it along is much safer.

Contigo  has a great line of spillproof hot and cold beverage containers. I have both kinds.  I have used both kinds on the bike and they fit a normal cage. The hot mug keeps coffee hot for a long time just like a thermos. That being said, I usually drink coffee before, after or at a stop.  Julius Meinl this morning.  My friend Dave Skogley is the all time world record one handed coffee sipping rider. He never spills, never drops, never crashes.  That's much better than my brother who once had a spectacular 2mph wipeout after trying to drink a cup of coffee on a bike.


If this question is keeping you up all night I suggest switching to decaf.


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