City of Chicago using new "invisible patch" product on potholes

I reported a few of the worse potholes I deal with every day via online reporting and selected text updates.  Yesterday I received notices that the reports had been closed.

I took a swing down "18th drive" on my way home:

Did they patch the potholes with water? Or is there some new see-through product that they're using, kind of like the asphalt equivalent of this?

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This is how the city, under the Rahmster, has been achieving their inflated report percentages and numbers. This way they look like the heroes, and everyone thinks that they are doing a great job. A great way to get and keep votes.

Just like CPD taking credit for the "down-turn" in shootings and crime sprees. Not that the sub-zero temperatures kept all the gangbangers and drug dealers inside where it was warm. I guess they can make you see what they want you to see.

Sorry, h'....had to vent a bit.

No problem, this is a venting thread. Rahm makes Daley look like a saint in retrospect.

I think you're off on what got the murder rate down.  They picked the two worst areas and locked them down with a police presence around the clock every quarter mile for two straight months, until they had the numbers to proclaim victory. Surprise surprise, putting cops on the streets caused a drop in violent crimes...

I'm sure they'll try that again sometime when there's bad press to be fought.

It was St. Patrick's Day.  They sent the leprechauns out with some of their magic dust.  But, this being Chicago, the leprechauns found a bar along the way that served green beer, and, well, . . . .

Improper closing of 311 requests is one of my biggest frustrations with 311. The usual way to close them improperly is asserting a bad address; an assertion often not based on any reality. Based on information from, your 18th street request was re-assigned to 2710 W 19th Street, and both were closed as duplicates-completed, meaning while they were duplicates in theory the original request was completed. Did the pot holes on 19th at least get filled?

Nope, the potholes all along the 2700 block of 19th street have not been touched.

And there are potholes the entire length of "18th drive" and not one of those has been touched either.

Looks to me like there's some kind of pressure to get reports closed in less than 30 days.

I'm trying to decide whether "lipstick on a pig" is the appropriate analogy for the fancy online reporting interface.

I've run into that bad address problem more than once. I'm really liking the SeeClickFix app a lot for reporting potholes. Part of the reason is the ability to actually use a map to set the location. Been having good luck with holes actually getting patched at locations I've reported using the app.

Justin B Newman said:

Improper closing of 311 requests is one of my biggest frustrations with 311. The usual way to close them improperly is asserting a bad address; an assertion often not based on any reality. Based on information from, your 18th street request was re-assigned to 2710 W 19th Street, and both were closed as duplicates-completed, meaning while they were duplicates in theory the original request was completed. Did the pot holes on 19th at least get filled?

Me too. ugh...

Anne Alt said:

I've run into that bad address problem more than once.

I used the map to map these locations. Had never heard of "18th Drive" until doing so but it makes sense.
Anne Alt said:

I've run into that bad address problem more than once. I'm really liking the SeeClickFix app a lot for reporting potholes. Part of the reason is the ability to actually use a map to set the location. Been having good luck with holes actually getting patched at locations I've reported using the app.

Justin B Newman said:

Improper closing of 311 requests is one of my biggest frustrations with 311. The usual way to close them improperly is asserting a bad address; an assertion often not based on any reality. Based on information from, your 18th street request was re-assigned to 2710 W 19th Street, and both were closed as duplicates-completed, meaning while they were duplicates in theory the original request was completed. Did the pot holes on 19th at least get filled?

Its the Acme Invisible Hole Filler- good for catching stray coyotes. 

I dunno Howard, looks fine to me. :-)

I'd be interested to hear whether others have the same experience.

I sent a "tip" to channel 5 news (it was their report that prompted me to use the online pothole reporting in the first place) but my impression has been that local media have been running scared of the current administration.


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