Help! My wife and I are relocating to Houston. In cycling terms, it feels like regressing a couple of decades. I already know about the sauna-like weather and . What else can fellow Chainlinkers tell us about biking in the Bayou City? Is there a Chainlink equivalent?

Although not a very active member, I have greatly appreciated the online camaraderie that comes from The Chainlink and I'll still be checking in occasionally. Keep up the good work!

Thank you in advance for your input.

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I recently spent a solid week riding in South Texas. I toured the gulf coast just west of Houston, down to Corpus, then north to San Antonio. I had a wonderful experience there. The food, roads, and history made it a great trip.

For one, Texas is great for back-roads cycling. The shoulders there are wide and without rumble strips. Also, everyone I met while riding was extremely friendly. I was a little worried about "big" trucks and unfriendly attitudes towards bikes on the roads, but in fact, people on the road were very courteous. No "get on the sidewalk!" type asses...that I encountered.

So there you go, not quite Houston, but close enough...

Just a head's up, the way cars pass in Texas is that the slower car pulls to the right and drives in the shoulder, allowing the faster car to pass. Not much you can do about it, but that's why the shoulders are so nice - they are passing lanes for the slow cars.

Kelvin Mulcky said:

For one, Texas is great for back-roads cycling. The shoulders there are wide and without rumble strips. Also, everyone I met while riding was extremely friendly. I was a little worried about "big" trucks and unfriendly attitudes towards bikes on the roads, but in fact, people on the road were very courteous. No "get on the sidewalk!" type asses...that I encountered.

So there you go, not quite Houston, but close enough...

I've only driven through the top part of Texas.  So, this is a little off topic, but deceased comedian Bill Hicks was from Houston.  If you haven't heard of him, do yourself a favor and check out his stuff.  They're planning on building a statue for him in Houston.

Have fun in Houston and ride safe.  

The first time I heard Rick Perry speak, I became wistful for my many times in the Lone Star State. Finally!.. I pondered.. Here's like a G.W. Bush without all that stifling intellect.

Texas tip-o-the day? Three little words: Gold Bond Powder!
Get the green one. Thank me later.

Furthermore: Using the graviton field generated by the mass of a titanic belt-buckle, attenuate that part of the brain that does critical/analytical thinking. In Texas?.. Sha-ZAM! Helps you fit right in.

On the plus side?.. You are within striking distance of New Orleans, so you at least have the ability to go find some decent food and culture unrelated to playing dress-up cowpoke. Bonus #2? Texas has no annoying "zoning" laws!.. So you can build a roller-coaster in your yard. True story!!

Carry on! May you make it back to Chicago/America soon!

There's the 70 foot statue of Sam Houston on Highway 75 between Houston and Dallas...

You'll have plenty of frontage roads to ride! Man, are there a lot of frontage roads in Texas....


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