Child riding bicycle struck by vehicle, killed in West Rogers Park

A 9-year-old boy who was riding his bicycle died after a vehicle came onto the sidewalk and hit him, according to police.

The child was riding a bike on the sidewalk around 8 p.m. Wednesday in the 7300 block of North Sacramento Avenue, in West Rogers Park. A 48-year-old man driving a Toyota north on Sacramento struck the child, police said.

The boy was taken to Amita Health St. Francis Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The fatal crash remains under investigation by the Chicago Police Department’s Major Accident Investigation Unit.

A 9-year-old boy was struck and killed by a vehicle while riding his bicycle Wednesday night in West Rogers Park on the North Side.

About 8 p.m., a 48-year-old man was driving a Toyota in the 7300 block of North Sacramento Avenue when he struck the boy riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, Chicago police said.

The boy was transported to Saint Francis Hospital in Evanston where he was pronounced dead, according to police. He has not yet been identified.

The CPD’s Major Accidents Unit is investigating the incident. There are currently no charges pending.

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So tragic.  At a 4-way stop sign, about a half-hour before sunset, an off-duty police officer in a large Toyota pickup truck plows into a boy in the crosswalk.  Cited for "failure to exercise due care."  I wonder if he wrote the ticket to himself?

I guess it's too much to expect police officers to lead by example and be some of the best drivers out there! I wonder why he was distracted or in such a hurry as not to stop and look? SMH

Currently no charges pending?! Another case of "failure to exercise due care"?! No, that would have been a citation at least.

This is even more tragic now after reading this thorough reporting by JohnGreenfield

Chicago's finest! SMH

And why wasn't he tested for alcohol/drugs right away? 3 hours after he killed the boy is a bit late!


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