The Ride of Silence will honor cyclists killed and injured on Chicago streets this Wednesday, May 17, 2017. The Ride of Silence will begin in Chicago at the Eternal Flame, at Washington and Dearborn, starting at 6 pm to gather, then rolling out at 6:30pm. The ride will travel through the city and visit ghost bike memorials of fallen cyclists. (Route posted below.)

This May during bike month, over 265 R.o.S. events will take place across the country in honor of all cyclists killed in fatal traffic collisions on our streets every day.

The Ride of Silence is an annual event organised by local volunteers every year to remember, celebrate, and honor the lives of cyclists who have been killed or injured while riding on our public roadways. This ride is a reminder to motorists, law enforcement, elected officials, and the public that cyclists have a legal right to public roadways and it appeals for local leadership and community support to avoid more deaths.

All cyclists in our community are welcome. Casual paced ride, 8-12mph. Please try to wear a helmet and remain silent during the ride. Follow the GPS(@ Chi.Bike) to catch up and join the ride at any point. Free event. Donations welcomed to defer costs. Snacks and refreshments at end of ride. Bring locks and lights for a safe return home.

Chicago has again, this past year, seen its share of cycling deaths and injuries. We have also seen how our cycling community has been treated in many aspects this year. No matter how you feel personally about the nature of this event, please join us.This ride is our chance to respectfully appeal for our rights in this city and OUR community!

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The Route Map for the 2017 Chicago Ride of Silence has just been released. 

If there is anyone with good videography skills who would be interested in filming parts of this event and create a short YouTube video, of the 2017 C.R.o.S., please do so. Thanks.
Go to

If you can't get to the start of the ride and need to catch up, and join in, for the current location of the ride in progress.

Chainlink Ambassador, Marcelo Marcos captured last night's Ride of Silence-Chicago and shared his thoughts about the ride memorializing fallen cyclists.

Thanks and congratulations goes out to our C.R.o.S. organizer, Elizabeth, for a successful and meaningful 2017 event. Appreciation also goes out to all involved in organizing, assisting and participating in this ride. "Community! " . . .
The 2017 Chicago Ride of Silence . . ."Community!". . .


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