Hi there, I saw mention of this on a thread, but would like elaboration...

My neighbor and I were talking about all the bike thefts this summer, and he asked me if it was possible to register one's bike BEFORE it gets stolen.   

I saw that the Chicago Police Dept. has a registry.  Has anyone registered?  How does it work?   Most importantly, is there a benefit to it - or not?


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Just wrote down my serial # (and registered at city website) and surprised to find that it was wrongly recorded on my bike store receipt (from 2003) -- hoping this isn't a problem, should it ever be stolen.

The UIC campus also has a bike registry: http://www.uic.edu/depts/police/Bicycle%20Theft%20and%20Registratio...

H3N3 said:
One down, four to go.
C'mon folks. Shawn C. said:
#1 I was moved to register mine...
H3N3 said:

This thread doesn't die until at least 5 more people report that they've been moved to record their serial numbers.
I registered with CPD and UIC within hours of getting my last bike. I have no idea if it would ever end up helping, but it can't hurt.
You don't have to go anywhere except the Police Department's website.

Jason Smajda said:
You have to go to your local station to get a form to register your bikes. I have done this myself. Still doesn't gurantee anything if your bike gets stolen. CPD won't look for it, they will only contact the owner if the bike was found and turned in to the station.
My brother's stolen bike was returned by police because it had been registered. Can't hurt. I plan to register mine.
Just finished registering all 4 of my bikes, 1 was registered, but to my old address, so I deleted and re-registered with my new address!
Way to go Liz. I can't wait to see how Howard scores this.

Liz said:
Just finished registering all 4 of my bikes, 1 was registered, but to my old address, so I deleted and re-registered with my new address!
I registered mine! It's been on my to-do list since I bought it in May
What a productive thread! Way to go!

Cute "recovery" story: My brother-in-law grew up in a small town and rode his bike to school when he was a kid. And when he was young he really wanted a 5-speed. His parents said he couldn't get one until he outgrew his current bike. Naturally, he started becoming reckless with his bike, leaving it unlocked at school, all over town. And lo and behold, it got "stolen" (5-speed here we come!) and...the police recovered it!!! (That wasn't in the plan!) Why was it recovered? You guessed it. He had registered his bike with the local police station. I'm guessing all kids did. Could it happen here in Chicago?
Just bumping this up. Not sure if it helps much, but at least you can log in to find your serial number if you ever need it. City reg site link here. It didn't take that long to sign up and register the bike.

H3N3 said:

Also screen shot and print before/after submitting.
Mac: command (apple)/shift/3 to capture whole desktop, cmd/shift/4 to select an area.
PC: No idea. (???)

PC: push Print Screen (PrtScn) for whole desktop, or Alt+PrtScn for the active window.
Hmmm....interesting question. I've bought 2 bikes from Rapid Transit and the serial number was listed on each purchase receipt. I believe that they keep the serial # in their customer data. Not sure if that's printed out on service receipts. I confess that I haven't organized my filing in a while, so I can't find my most recent service receipt.

Can anyone at RT or another bike shop speak to this issue?

H3N3 said:
So, Nick . . . while we're on the subject . . . what would it take to get bike shops to record the serial number on service receipts as a service to the customer? Do any do this already? In the situations I've been involved in, such a receipt would be taken as proof of ownership.
I've used it and found it fairly easy.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Just bumping this up. Not sure if it helps much, but at least you can log in to find your serial number if you ever need it. City reg site link here. It didn't take that long to sign up and register the bike.


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