Does anyone know how I can contact (phone and/or email) the chief, or person in charge, of the Chicago Police Dept. Bicycle patrol?

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You can try contacting them through this site : Chicago Police Department Bureau of Patrol
...hope this is for a positive comment

Those Officers out there on bikes are our best allies

Great people doing great work

My contact with them has generally been positive. The officers doing bike patrol choose that assignment because they want to be doing it.

That's POTENTIALLY true. It certainly would be useful if they, for example, cleared cars from the bike lanes and generally increased cyclist safety. I personally haven't seen any of that though. I have, however, seen them cycle 4 abreast the wrong way down a line-way street, casually cycle past multiple cars stopped in the bike lane without saying a word, and use their bikes to strike peaceful protesters. YMMV

Maybe these are things to bring up with these fellow cyclists, only difference is they are wearing blue. I think they could be a great resource to enforce both sides, cyclists and automobiles.

I hope more positive things can come from the bicycle patrol.

Back when Dearborn was on my commute I saw Chicago Police on bikes ticketing cars in the bike lane on a pretty regular basis.

A career opportunity for cyclists to become Chicago Police officers. The testing process is now opening.

Starting salary; $47,600/yr. After 18 months, $72,500/yr.

I <3 bike cops.  Must be 21-40yo to apply.


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