Hmmmm...check out the Sun-Times blog about Miguel De Valle's campaign wants to make Chicago "one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the world."

We're game.

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

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Uhhh.... Isn't this the same thing Daley said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
we can hope....and help!
"Fool me once... shame on..... shame on you.

Fool me, we can't get fooled again."

sorry i couldnt help it

Jason W said:
Uhhh.... Isn't this the same thing Daley said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
He, uh, did get the quote right.
Yes, Del Valle WAS the one who responded and got the plates added to some metal grate bridges.

H3N3 said:
You sound like one of those "throw them all out" types.
Casting all public servants in the same light just because some or most of them may be corrupt or incompetent guarantees us the same broken government going forward, and conveniently excuses people of voting age who don't make at least a mininal effort to research who they're voting for or why.
As to DelValle-- isn't he the one who responded to Kathy Schubert's postcard campaign and installed the plates on downtown bridges to make then less dangerous for cyclists?

Jason W said:
Uhhh.... Isn't this the same thing Daley said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
Skepticism of public servants who spew the exact same rhetoric as their predecessors is hardly "throw them all out", Howard...

H3N3 said:
You sound like one of those "throw them all out" types.
Casting all public servants in the same light just because some or most of them may be corrupt or incompetent guarantees us the same broken government going forward, and conveniently excuses people of voting age who don't make at least a mininal effort to research who they're voting for or why.
As to DelValle-- isn't he the one who responded to Kathy Schubert's postcard campaign and installed the plates on downtown bridges to make then less dangerous for cyclists?

Jason W said:
Uhhh.... Isn't this the same thing Daley said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
Along these lines, we are working with several like-minded environmental and transportation organization to promote a joint platform to the mayoral candidates.

Stay tuned for the grand unveiling in a few weeks!

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans
It sounds to me that Chicago's doing the same thing Milwaukee's doing with the gratings on downtown bridges. The perforated plates we use are called "Slip-Not" plates.
There are no such things as public "servants."

Daniel Webster knew the score:

In every generation there are those who want to rule well -- but they mean to rule. They promise to be good masters -- but they mean to be masters.

H3N3 said:
You sound like one of those "throw them all out" types.
Casting all public servants in the same light just because some or most of them may be corrupt or incompetent guarantees us the same broken government going forward, and conveniently excuses people of voting age who don't make at least a mininal effort to research who they're voting for or why.
As to DelValle-- isn't he the one who responded to Kathy Schubert's postcard campaign and installed the plates on downtown bridges to make then less dangerous for cyclists?

Jason W said:
Uhhh.... Isn't this the same thing Daley said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
nice! he spoke at the grand opening of Ciclo Urbano/West Town Bikes when WTB moved down to Division Street, and i remember being impressed with how eager he was to work with the cycling community.
Funny I was out with my kids in my cargo bike today and someone who works for De Valle stopped to ask me about riding with them. He was expecting me to say how great Chicago is blah blah and when I said we were now years behind in cycling infrastructure he regaled me with his folding bike rides around the country and how bike friendly it is here. Well. He sure hasn't had to explain to his kid why he can't ride his bike to school.
The guy needs to go to New York with De Valle and get some religion. The place is totally light years ahead at this point. Brooklyn is now reviewing a study to bring street cars- or trams into the borough within the next few years. We are just so far behind!


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