Chicago LBS': do you have _______________ in stock, right now?

Metal studded 26" x 1.9" tires?

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Two in stock at Rapid on North ave. right now.  Send me an e-mail and I will set them aside for you if you like.

Chi Lowe 20.0 - 30.0 mi said:

Bump? Any shop owners stocking studded tires? Would like to buy local if possible.

It's a Long Haul Monster Trucker now.

Chi Lowe 25.0+ mi said:


Behold the power of The Chainlink

P.S. Thanks notoriousDUG and Rapid Transit: you've relieved me from the bats@1t crazy that goes with missing my early morning LFP training rides.

Any LBS out there stocking Bar Mits or Bike Poagies? If so, how much to keep 10 digits toasty?

We have MTB ones and large and small Shimano road ones at the North Ave. Raid Transit and the computer shows the south shop has MTB and small Shimano ones but actual results may vary.

J.H. Marshall said:

Any LBS out there stocking Bar Mits or Bike Poagies? If so, how much to keep 10 digits toasty?

Thanks. I will be in later this week.

notoriousDUG said:

We have MTB ones and large and small Shimano road ones at the North Ave. Raid Transit and the computer shows the south shop has MTB and small Shimano ones but actual results may vary.

J.H. Marshall said:

Any LBS out there stocking Bar Mits or Bike Poagies? If so, how much to keep 10 digits toasty?

Does anyone have an alternator for a 2005 Subaru?

Can you get it re-built? or DIY?

Tricolor said:

Does anyone have an alternator for a 2005 Subaru?

Thought about it but I've got a trip to Northern Michigan in two weeks and don't have the time to learn enough to identify and fix the problem.

I've never heard of that bicycle manufacturer. Do bikes even have alternators?

Tricolor said:

Does anyone have an alternator for a 2005 Subaru?

They should; dynamos can't put out the same power at similar RPMs.

Anyone have one of those cable hanger/spacer things with a barrel adjuster for canti brakes?

Like this, but local?


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