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In case anyone missed it, Bike Snob NYC thoroughly deconstructed this guy today.

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But unfortunately, none of the 14 great bike advocates mentioned in Bicycling Mag's While You Were Out Riding, Bike Advocacy Became Cool are from Chicago. WTF?

For those of you desiring to read the BSNYC article, rather than clicking through to the ChicagoNow drivel, here you go:

Thanks Bruce. Blood pressure dropping.

BruceBikes said:

For those of you desiring to read the BSNYC article, rather than clicking through to the ChicagoNow drivel, here you go:

Yeah, read the BSNYC article first.

Well done, Bike Snob!  Bwahaha!

I thought the comments section on the ChicagoNow link page did a WAY better job of "deconstructing" this guy than BSNYC did.  And the author's responses further revealed what an a$$ he was.  BSNYC just came off as unhinged, slipping right into the stereotype the author imagines.

If these folks were listed in descending order of coolness, Alex Wilson should have been in the first 5, and Jenna the Bike-A-Bee gal should have been in there somewhere...

globalguy said:

But unfortunately, none of the 14 great bike advocates mentioned in Bicycling Mag's While You Were Out Riding, Bike Advocacy Became Cool are from Chicago. WTF?

ChicagoNow comments section no longer visible? Or do you have to sign up/in...

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

I thought the comments section on the ChicagoNow link page did a WAY better job of "deconstructing" this guy than BSNYC did.  And the author's responses further revealed what an a$$ he was.  BSNYC just came off as unhinged, slipping right into the stereotype the author imagines.

comments are through facebook so you may have to be logged in.

Anne said:

ChicagoNow comments section no longer visible? Or do you have to sign up/in...

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

I thought the comments section on the ChicagoNow link page did a WAY better job of "deconstructing" this guy than BSNYC did.  And the author's responses further revealed what an a$$ he was.  BSNYC just came off as unhinged, slipping right into the stereotype the author imagines.

Yeah, there was a time when I thought that BSNYC could become the next great writer with his inventive word use and just the right amount of snark, but over the last year or so he has descended to a level of anger and pottymouth that I do not care for.

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

[...]  BSNYC just came off as unhinged, slipping right into the stereotype the author imagines.

Not so much inventive word use anymore and a lot of pottymouth.  Wonder why his vocabulary has degraded so much--maybe just laziness?

Duppie said:

Yeah, there was a time when I thought that BSNYC could become the next great writer with his inventive word use and just the right amount of snark, but over the last year or so he has descended to a level of anger and pottymouth that I do not care for.

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

[...]  BSNYC just came off as unhinged, slipping right into the stereotype the author imagines.

From ChicagoNow:

About a week ago, I found myself on a backstreet in Ravenswood, trailing a cyclist without a helmet riding on old-style ten speed with a courier bag slung over his back.

In other words he was trying to go cross-town on Wilson instead of taking Lawrence or Montrose and was pissed his BMW (it's always a BMW, isn't it?) was being beaten by the cyclist because of all the stop signs.


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