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A few miles of Lincoln Avenue are set to get a little bit of TLC in the next week or so, as I reported on Bike Walk Lincoln Park. Not sure how extensive it will be. Photo below is the existing lane on Lincoln, south of Diversey.




It seems to me that the real issue is which bike lanes are NOT in a significant state of neglect and erosion. It takes a lot of work to add new lanes, so it is very important to keep the ones we have. If new lanes are added but old ones erode into nothingness, is this progress?
I did see new lines as I rode down Lincoln this morning. From Diversey down to Fullerton? Just one single stripe though. No bike markings or anything

Michelle Stenzel said:

A few miles of Lincoln Avenue are set to get a little bit of TLC in the next week or so, as I reported on Bike Walk Lincoln Park. Not sure how extensive it will be. Photo below is the existing lane on Lincoln, south of Diversey.




Most of the bike lanes (north and south bound) on Damen Ave from Montrose down to Lake St need repainting.

Also there are bad pot holes under the Kinzie St railroad viaduct as well as the old rail road viaduct at Churchill St.


On a side note, any one riding Damen notice the Bike lane intersection markings on either Adams or Jackson at Damen where they have the newly painted bike lane crossing from the right side of the street to the left side in the intersection?  WTH?

The pavement on Grand Avenue and Illinois St where they cross the Lakefront Path near Lake Point Tower is a hazardous joke.  It's crazy enough over there with the path going next to pillars and with blind corners underneath LSD in a highly touristed/pedestrianized zone headed into Navy Pier.  But I find it astonishing that the pavement on both Grand and Illinois leading into and out of a major tourist attraction and crossing the bike superhighway/crown jewel that is the LFP resembles the pavement one might expect to see on a road in Nicaragua.  I know the LFP flyover may happen one day, but in the meantime, can someone please, pretty please just pour some fresh asphalt at these crossings?   The crossings are so bad they regularly cause even prudent bikers to ride on the left side of the path at the crossing.  I know of at least two bikers who have broken bones at these intersections.

Got another one for you: MLK, both directions, from just north of 29th to just past 33rd. Potholes, uneven pavement, lots of bus-related pavement waves...it's so bad in some spots northbound that you have to ride into traffic or take your chance with some fairly deep pits in the road. There's also a bad spot northbound next to the convention center taxi exits. Frankly, it's making me a bit uncomfortable on icy mornings...I'll probably try to contact the city but figured I'd post it here, too. Thanks for compiling these!


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