Went 4 a ride two the lake front and see the sexiest bike ever and the girls on it was pretty two, lol what do u look at 1st the girl or the bike lol loved the bike a yellow trek 

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Thank you!!! And yes they r lol 

Ken Gray said:
What's everyone's problem here? Isn't this a post about cute girls on great bikes. Forget what you may or may not call Chicago, how about your thoughts about girls on bikes. Personally I think everyone looks better on a bike and that certainly includes girls of all ages.

True. What the problem is not using all the keys on the keyboard to spell words to have a discussion. Unless you can access this site on a web enabled phone that still shares 3-4 letters for each number.


Ken Gray said:

What's everyone's problem here? Isn't this a post about cute girls on great bikes. Forget what you may or may not call Chicago, how about your thoughts about girls on bikes. Personally I think everyone looks better on a bike and that certainly includes girls of all ages.

The term Chi-Town was quite popular with real Chicago people when I was growing up on the West Side in the 1950s and 60s. And drag racing fans will remember the Chi-Town Hustler.


I kind'a figure that people who deplore the term are often transplanted rubes who live in one of the youth ghettos and want to appear "authentic".

Things like this are why god doesn't talk to us anymore.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Chi-town, chai-town, chi-tizzy, shy-town.

I kind'a figure that people who deplore the term are often transplanted rubes who live in one of the youth ghettos and want to appear "authentic".


what he said

I was born and raised in Chicago.  I've never lived anywhere but here.  The use of "Chi-Town" has always been around in my circles and has been perfectly acceptable.  I propose we rename this site......The Chi-Town Chainlink!!  Ok, maybe not.  :)



Me encanta quando las nalgas de las CHI-cas finas temblan por ensima del asiento de la bicicleta.

I think you people have way to much time on your hands...what y'all, bunch of school teachers...


Is ning grading us on grammar...do we lose members when we don't edit....


Please don't waste the energy to respond...I won't bother reading them since this post turned into a bunch of whining....


Yes...Cisco...I love the whole package hot girl and hot bike...now how to get both in bed at the same time...?

Lol jr idk bro it'll be hard but I think u
can pull it off sum how with out getting
 hurt lol or  I have my bike hanging of
 my wall above my bed it's almost the same
 thing lol Don't u think 

pjc jr said:

I think you people have way to much time on your hands...what y'all, bunch of school teachers...


Is ning grading us on grammar...do we lose members when we don't edit....


Please don't waste the energy to respond...I won't bother reading them since this post turned into a bunch of whining....


Yes...Cisco...I love the whole package hot girl and hot bike...now how to get both in bed at the same time...?

Lol jr idk bro it'll be hard but I think u
can pull it off sum how with out getting
hurt lol or I have my bike hanging of
my wall above my bed it's almost the same
thing lol Don't u think

Are you a 16 year old girl?

This kind of speak on an internet forum from a qwerty key board is unacceptable.

lol me two juan 

Juan said:
Me encanta quando las nalgas de las CHI-cas finas temblan por ensima del asiento de la bicicleta.


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