Rumor is that the police have shut down the Halloween party.

Sign posted on door:,%206%202...

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I just got back from a ride, and in a sea of Halloween costume mayhem on Clark (@Wrigleyville), I saw a bicycle spandex-clad fellow (but not riding a bike) carrying a bag of red fluid pretending to go into an IV.

Of course you know who the costume is supposed to be of!:)

Hope I didn't spoil any costume surprises!

And likewise Howard, you know everything you needed to know to get a license.  The party would have been different had you stepped up.

For me, I'm new here and getting to know people.  I was invited to the party and would have happy to attend had I not been working.  I was at Working Bikes 10th anniversary party (nice one) and their second annual party on Sept. 11 2010 (even better).  I know Working Bikes has it in them so throw a nice party, and I 'm sorry for all of you that was a failure. 

Consumer Protection! Brothers... Sisters... I implore you!!!... One must protect the zombie-like, naturally self-endagering consumer. It is a miracle salad forks do not require a liability waiver! The Agents of Liberty trod on, in the face of unknowable reckless un-sanctioned entertainment. Heroes!! Chant ye the mantra!!!... Chapter and Verse: Freedom of Association... Freedom of Assembly.... Freedom of Movement... Freedom of Expression.... The Pursuit of Happiness... And all that other grooovy, hippie-pinko nonsense our "leaders" drone on and on about!! C'mon... It's fun to play pretend! Don't forget to vote! It's important!

It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen here at this fine establishment...  


Think about it, maybe something like a little fire could happen or someone might get hurt.  With a little bit of protection from our organization we can make sure that doesn't happen.  Fill out a few forms, give us a little money...

My hunch?.. is that it was (an) old-fashioned hater(z)! Gnomic Research profiles someones just looking to hurt, but also, clearly, someone who is wounded. There are those whose tiny intellect cannot pause for just a few moments A MONTH to tolerate a simple, friendly, quirky, hilarious bicycle ride. Furthermore, even tho they are?.. they Hate that Quirky. They don't do, cannot abide the Quirky. Oddly, these mental giants can likely easily, twice a day, cognitively harmonize the sea of automobiles that is nearly parked on I-90 and I-290, I-55.. LSD... Etc.. Ad Nauseum... Insert, here, your favorite bloated example of Gov't provided, industry-approved Freedom! Y'see... These Haterz are so grim, so joy-less? YES.. they'd shut down a charity event! Join me and the tame gutter gnomes this very Sunday! Pray for the Haterz!.. Oh Jah!!... Touch their Heart! Please Deliver someone who is so dead inside they don't care if a couple more kids in Africa or S. America have to walk.

Holy fuck. James, bk. STFU. You're conspiracy theory is that the City was shaking down people or conspiring to hate the bike community? That's what you got. You do know other things unrelated to your tiny world get shut down all the time right? Get your heads outta your asses.


Best case scenario achieved. 

Man I can't even tell u what I imagine the best case scenario for u and bk is.

The nature of Critical Mass... It is what it is. Had a GREAT RIDE though.


When admission is charged along with the liquor, the city wants its cut.




It is what it is.

Maybe next month, and perhaps the month after that,  CCM can just stick close to the start the whole ride.  Maybe just circle around and stay in loop for a couple of hours.  Then we can just party right there while we fill the streets.

Juan said:

The nature of Critical Mass... It is what it is. Had a GREAT RIDE though.


When admission is charged along with the liquor, the city wants its cut.



Certainly! put that in the memory banks for next years warmer rides.

h' said:

There were some very good things about the ride up until that point.

We did the 18th street bridge, Chinatown, and the cool tunnel on 24th street going west towards Canal. We passed Willow's house, and Long time masser and WTB instructor Mike W's house on Wolcott.  We passed longtime CM supporter (Twang Bang) Jay's house on Morgan.

I am 99% certain the mass has never "blessed" the concrete hell that is the Western to 31st Blvd connector-- always love to take the mass somewhere it's never been and bless a new place with magic CCM dust.  And that scene as riders were coming around and down the curve westbound as others were on the other side of a barrier eastbound was very memorable...

I'm also fairly certain we've never been on that stretch of Pershing before.

For whatever reason there didn't seem to be many people out.... one of the best things about hitting the targeted neighborhoods is that there tends to be a lot of positive interaction with folks in the neighborhoods, so maybe the south/southwest rides are better left for the warmer months.


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