We have groups for RAGBRAI, beer exploration by bike, randonneuring, camping by bike and who knows what all else. But what about just trying to hook up with someone or some ones who ride at a similar pace and might want to do all or part of a century or one of the many multi-day rides popping up on the calendar?
I am a slow-poke, but I want to do some longer distance riding this year. Le Tour de Shore looks good; Amishland looks good. I know there is the Apple Cider Century and I imagine there are many other multi-day rides out there that don't show up in our events but would be great fun!
Last summer a thread about the North Shore Century ended up being used to make connections between riders to ride together. I am hoping this thread will start some connections for different rides.
Well, camping is already sold out at le Tour de Shore. Last year I signed up in the middle of April no problem. This year, a month earlier, it's sold out.
Did they get a smaller camping site this year?
Yeah, I'm bummed that the camping sold out. Do people have comments on whether it's better to stay in Beverly Shore/Chesteron or Michigan City? I know it's not a huge mileage difference between the 2 but if one area has an appeal over the other, would be useful to know.
Maybe they just got more people involved re: the camping.
Beverly Shore/Chesterton's just a little smaller than Michigan City. Not sure there's much difference otherwise, unless you want to hit the outlet mall or casino.
I think Beverly Shore/Chesterton will be slightly less expensive, too.
A quick comment:
If you are training for a ride that is longer than whatever you are used to, pay attention to your core strength if you don't already. I never paid attention to it at all until I started doing yoga ~4 years ago and even now I am still trying to improve it - it can take a long time to train myself into new habits. The longer you spend on your bike in a day, the more important it is, whatever your riding position, that you use your core muscles to do more of the work of holding your upper body up rather than your arms and shoulders. It can make a big difference by the end of the day!
Well, camping is already sold out at le Tour de Shore. Last year I signed up in the middle of April no problem. This year, a month earlier, it's sold out.
Did they get a smaller camping site this year?
It seemed last year that much fewer than half of the people riding the event camped.
Indiana Dunes is a big place, there is a ton of room for thousands of small tents there IMHO. The group spot last year wasn't nearly full unless there is a rule from teh park as to how many tents there can be in the big field.
I'm thinking that either they got a very small group spot this year or their plans for feeding everyone changed and their caterer can only do a smaller limited number.
More likely is that they have a limited number of people they can feed. Last year they had the Fire Truck Pizza Makers.
I am thinking about not going now if I can't camp. Maybe next year. Sleeping in a motel is going to add another $50 to an already expensive ride and it doesn't nearly sound as fun as hanging out around the fire with the group. That's the whole reason for going bike camping anyhow -to CAMP. I'm doing the Apple Cider anyhow which is much of the same area other than the riding out of Chicago part which is more or less the same ride as going to the Brewpub ride which I think I'll do again this year too.
Live and learn. Maybe next year I'll get my ass in gear earlier and sign up. I wasn't sure when my vacation plans for this summer were so I held off. I did sign up for the Apple Cider a couple of months ago (only to have my wife's sister tell us she was getting married in September! But it doesn't conflict. I think it conflicts with the Northshore century though.
People need to stop planning stuff on the days that my important rides are happening! What is up with that?
Sorry to hear that, James. I have signed up and I am staying in a motel in Michigan City. I will not be dilly-dallying at the start, that is for sure. Other slow-pokes, let me know if you are riding.
David P. thanks for the comments about core strength. I have been reading more and more about that and plan to start paying attention immediately.
To me, at least - core strength is more important than 'having it in your legs'. Before I really started working on my core strength and cycling form, I would find that my arms, shoulders and hands were in far worse shape than my legs at the end of 100+ mile rides. This is good advice to heed.
At this point it is totally up to Amanda. If she is willing to go and ride with you then I guess we'll drop the $300 for the both of us to do this ride. If she isn't going then I'ma gunna skip it this year.
We are going to Sikkim & Nepal later this year and that's going to be over ten grand so we have to conserve somewhere with the vacation budgeting for the year.
What is the Brewpub ride that James mentions? I don't see it on the otherwise extensive list at http://www.mikebentley.com/bike/ilrides.htm
Also, to anyone who is interested, the Apple Cider Century was a terrific ride last year. Very well supported and great signage. A few small hills, which was great fun and good practice for us flatlanders. I actually wish there were *more* rides with hills in these parts. Anyone know of any?
Great Lakes Randonneurs have a brevet series in Wisconsin hill country:
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270 members
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