I've never done a century ride before, and am wanting to do one this summer or early fall.
Anyone have any recommended rides?

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Also - here is a great site for all the organized rides : It already has many 2010 rides listed

I concur with all the people who have recommended the Apple Cider Century. Awesome ride and so pretty! I also would strongly suggest the Interplanetary Ride down in Peoria, there is a long stretch that rides on a converted rail road. It's an awesome ride. If you have time I would suggest going down to Chattanooga, TN to ride the 3-state-3-mountain ride (goes through TN, GA & AL). Awesome 108 or so beautiful miles.
If you feel like traveling, I mean TRAVELING, look at a few rides on the east coast like the Ride to Montauk, North Fork Century, et al. They are very well organized by Glen (kooky but great guy), hot showers, booze at the end, pie in the middle . . . oh and these are flat, flat, flat!

See the link:
I hear the Apple Cider closes registration so if you are planning on doing the ride, sign up now! I think I will soon if the dates work out.

The Locomotive said:
The Udder and The Apple Cider Centurys are the best !!
CCC offers a century ride on 8/8. Check out the details here.
I just had to bump this one. I can't wait for Century Season to start.
I second that Juile. Sat. April 2nd looks to be almost 50 F. Looking forward to riding out through the North Shore and on to Chicago. Going to hit around 130 miles on Sat. Sunday looks like crap but who knows. Plenty of off season training and conditioning, I am ready to get moving. Kick the tires and light the fires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I already did my first century in February.

If you happen to miss out on the  Apple Cider Century limited registration, also on the same weekend is the Potosi Brewery Great River Road Bike Tour. Breathtaking beautiful ride along rolling hills and bluffs. Challenging ascends and fast descends. 100 mile route rides along the Mississippi River. Tour the museum afterwards. Shirt and mug included in registration. Here's last years event.



Agreed and good seeing you today! Despite the rain, wind, cold temps and getting chased by a dog for a quarter mile, it was a beautiful ride and very well organized. Good work!
Joe TV said:
Apple Cider Century is a nice one.

You got chased by a dog??!?!  Was it a little schnauzer or something?  I saw a white one just hanging in the middle of the road, and I honestly was surprised that it didn't try to chase me!  


And to set the record straight, I would not classify this year's ACC route as "flat"  I think we had more hills this year than most years I've ridden it.  


And good to see you too!

Julie Hochstadter said:

Agreed and good seeing you today! Despite the rain, wind, cold temps and getting chased by a dog for a quarter mile, it was a beautiful ride and very well organized. Good work!
Joe TV said:
Apple Cider Century is a nice one.
After riding a few group centuries I have decided to plan my own routes. Several recent rides have been boring rides in the corn fields, stale cookies, half bananas, and warm gartorcornsugar. Other than another shirt to wash my bike I have no need for poorly marked routes that barely draw a decent group of riders. I'll find my own way and leave at my own time. Thanks for the space to rant. =D


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