I walked into Kozy's about 2pm yesterday and FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Star

ZAC GIFFORD buying a bike for his beautiful wife. They were both so down to earth and friendly. Made my day!

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Rapid Transit sold a Brompton to Jeff Tweedy the other day.


notoriousDUG said:

Rapid Transit sold a Brompton to Jeff Tweedy the other day.

Wait - I was a fan of FNL - which one was Zac? Do they live here? Good eyes!

He's filming something here, me thinks. 

He was the cute good ol' boy that lived with his grandma, Matt. We chatted a bit. Such a sweet guy just like his character.

Gail Garcia said:

Wait - I was a fan of FNL - which one was Zac? Do they live here? Good eyes!

Lol, Zac Gifford is the celebrity.

Clint H said:

Oh, wow! Did this Zac Gifford guy see the celebrity, too?

Well, I had to try to find him on the internet, but then I think I am one of the older folks here.  Just want you to know that according to wikipedia his name is Zach Gilford, which explains why I couldn't find him in my very sophisticated google search.  Seems old Zach is from these parts:


If anyone ever sees Tony Bennett in a bike shop, that I want to know! :-D

Clint H said:

Oh, wow! Did this Zac Gifford guy see the celebrity, too?

Is he in the talkies?

What kind/color of Brompton was it?  

notoriousDUG said:

Rapid Transit sold a Brompton to Jeff Tweedy the other day.


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