CDOT announces plans for protected lanes on King, 31st and 55th‏

Taking advantage of a sweet tailwind, on Monday I pedaled south on the lakefront
to Kenwood Academy for a 4th Ward community meeting where CDOT's Mike Amsden
outlined the city's proposal for new protected bike lanes on several miles of King Drive,
31st Street and 55th Street:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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Agreed about Kinzie; for much of the last couple months it's been like riding on loose gravel with the amount of salt they dumped in the lane (and then never cleared).

I have not been on Kinzie lately, but the lanes on the 18th st bridge suffered from a similar sodium overdose. Too much is better than none, and I'm grateful that efforts are being made to keep the lanes from icing up, but hopefully the City will adjust appropriately next winter (assuming we have one).

And yes - a bike/ped bridge over the river at 33rd would be totally awesome. I'm guessing that was discussed before the new housing got built on the east side of river? Might be a tough fit now...

anthony nicholson said:

Agreed about Kinzie; for much of the last couple months it's been like riding on loose gravel with the amount of salt they dumped in the lane (and then never cleared).

Late spring or early summer.


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