Our executive director, Ron Burke, sent a letter to the editor that was printed in both the Tribune and Sun-Times: ,



Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

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Do people just troll local news sites to complain about bikes at every chance?

Many people seem to just troll news sites to complain.


For some reason, bike-positive postings are always attractive to the trolls.

We rarely read, pay attention to or respond to comment sections. It's just not effective.


Ethan, with Active Trans

I like that you all are framing this as making streets better for everyone rather than just bikers.  Definitely the way to go and avoid unnecessary bike/car antagonism.

If I were the mayor I'd tell the police that I wanted every copper to give 5 tickets a day for putzing around with cell phones while driving. AND 2 tickets a day for cyclists running red lights or stop signs.


That should make everyone happy.

I agree.  The "safer for everyone" approach is a big equalizer.

Kimberly said:
I like that you all are framing this as making streets better for everyone rather than just bikers.  Definitely the way to go and avoid unnecessary bike/car antagonism.


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