Day One:  

  • Yummy Caribou(?) coffee and Cliff bars -NOM!
  • Sweet hydration bottles filled with fliers and goodies (no stickers though, unfortunately.)
  • Nice people and a handy mechanic to lend a helping hands to those who might need it.
  • XRT/ATA/MoS&I-branded cuff clip (although both mine and my wife's fell off the first half mile after the pit stop :(  I think we need some training on how to put these things on.  I'm used to the old-fashioned velcro-type.

Not too bad!


Kinzie is not yet finished all the way to Wells.  It's only the first 1/4-mile East of Milwaukee and then it is back to the same-old same-old bumper-car course. 


Right now they are talking about BTW week on WBEZ.  It'll be a good week.

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Crutches is no excuse to not be cycling- Strap the crutch to the pedal! J/K... Hope you feel better and get well soon!

Liz said:
I picked up a pant leg strap and some coffee on bum island, they let me hang out and get stuff without a bike since I had crutches and an active trans membership.  I was going to grab a water bottle but didn't want to get greedy since I wasn't on bike. I was hoping to be well enough to bike in at least one day this week, but its not in the cards.

Hey thanks everyone, glad you are enjoying the swag! We worked extra hard this year to get more free stuff to give away. Our sponsors stepped up, especially XRT/MSI (snap bands) and Bike & Roll (water bottles)...we also used some of the money that we got from coming in second place in Whole Foods Market Chicago store competition (donate your bag refunds through June and Active Trans benefits). Despite today's rain, it's been a wonderful Bike to Work Week so far!


Active Trans is offering cool T-shirts this week at Bike Pit Stops if you join or renew at the $30 level.


Also, if you're bike commuting, you can still sign up for the Bike Commuter Challenge and get a free technical fabric "Bike Bell" shirt!


Thanks and happy biking,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

Today's haul. I think I'll never have to buy a water bottle again!  Also good coffee and 1/2 bagel.

Stopped at Fullerton and Field Museum. Started out rainy and ended Sunny & Gorgeous!

I love the pictures of swag.  Are we going to see a final pictures of ALL the swag on that table?  :)  I don't feel guilty about getting extra swag because I end up giving it to friends who are newbie cyclists.

There's a thought...

Agree on handing it out to friends/co-workers.  Some of the guys I work with doing BTWW aren't close to the pit stops, so they'll be getting some of my bounty.

Mark Kenseth said:

I love the pictures of swag.  Are we going to see a final pictures of ALL the swag on that table?  :)  I don't feel guilty about getting extra swag because I end up giving it to friends who are newbie cyclists.

He might need a wide-angle lens and require putting the extra leaves into the table to get it all on there!


I've been trying not to be too greedy this year.  So far I've kept it down to 4 water bottles between the wife and I, 4 leg straps, some stickers (and non-stickers "bookmarks" that turn into stickers if you put packing tape over them!) a patch kit, a bunch of literature and a spoke card, and let's not forget gallons of coffee and other foodstuffs.  The Cliff Bars are yummy but the banana and other fruit was by far the better morning breaking-fast choice. 


This morning is a non-riding morning for me, so I miss out on Day 4 swag.  Tomorrow I'll get up early again and hopefully make it to the Rally at the Secret Cow Level rumored to be somewhere near Daley Plaza.


I've got enough water bottles to last the year I think -but I'd love to get more stickers/patches/buttons/blkinkies, and maybe a hat or T-shirt or something like that.  Hopefully the 2 hours I spent yesterday afternoon rebuilding the crap plastic SRAM twistgrip that claymored on me earlier in the morning will hold up and I won't have to ride home again on a 90 Gear-Inch single-speed.

Yeah, tomorrow's the BIG HAUL day at rally.  We have 40+ people from our company riding this week and they love seeing me come around 'cause they know I've got goodies from the pit stops.

Hey, anything to encourage ridership.  I think two or three of them are considering doing it long-term; that's what it's all about, right?

Actually, the guy that rode in with me today signed up for ATA and donated $100.00!  I was like, "Hey, betcha didn't think this ride was gonna cost you a hundred bucks!"  He REALLY enjoyed the ride; said now he sees why I'm in such a good mood when I get to work.

Great story, thanks for rocking it! We are shooting for 150 members (joins/renews) this week. Cause it's Bike to Work Week, in case you hadn't heard.


Hope to see you all at the Rally tomorrow!


Ethan with Active Trans

Day 5:

I can has continental breakfast!

A nice T-shirt and yet another water bottle which should keep my water bottle needs filled for years.  I couldn't find the new Chicago bike patches or stickers.  The guy almost right  next to me won the $2000 trek bicycle raffle but I can't complain as it is a great day with plenty of sun and plenty of shade -something for everyone!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Great story, thanks for rocking it! We are shooting for 150 members (joins/renews) this week. Cause it's Bike to Work Week, in case you hadn't heard.


Hope to see you all at the Rally tomorrow!


Ethan with Active Trans

Yup, gorgeous day and the T-Shirts do ROCK!

James Baum said:

Day 5:

I can has continental breakfast!

A nice T-shirt and yet another water bottle which should keep my water bottle needs filled for years.  I couldn't find the new Chicago bike patches or stickers.  The guy almost right  next to me won the $2000 trek bicycle raffle but I can't complain as it is a great day with plenty of sun and plenty of shade -something for everyone!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Great story, thanks for rocking it! We are shooting for 150 members (joins/renews) this week. Cause it's Bike to Work Week, in case you hadn't heard.


Hope to see you all at the Rally tomorrow!


Ethan with Active Trans

Kudos to the designer of this year's BTW Rally T shirt.  I  like the hint of the Chicago flag with the star and city colors inside the bike wheel.  Its very cool, very Chicago and very cycle. Its always great to see hundreds of different kinds of bikes and bikers milling around the plaza.
The Bike to Work rally was pretty nice and the the weather couldn't have been much more perfect- I don't usually hang out at Daley Center, but this gave me a good reason to be there.  I think they need to do a bike to work week in the Fall, with or without swag, it was really nice to stop at all the rest stops and just see all the different bicycles and people.


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