It's Christmas, I commute to work on my bike, and when wife asked me what I wanted I kind of drew a blank, but then came up with the idea of a fancy new saddle. I'd like some input please.

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Black plastic bags from the liquor store keep my saddle and bike undesirable from thieves and dry from the rain.

Water on the Brooks is no bueno, unless its new and it needs some breaking in.

Anne Alt said:

I have a Brooks B67 on my city bike and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. If I leave the bike for more than a few minutes, I use the ugly plastic bag camouflage, as Lisa mentions.

It's true... my 1976 Brooks Professional has sputtered out. It's still rideable, but I'd have to do the lace-tensioning thing to get more out of it and that would take me like thirty minutes of my time.

Michael said:

Not worth it. According to Sheldon Brown, they only last 100,000 miles or so before you need to get a new one.

All the more reason not to use one for one's daily rider. Now we need to make sure we are carrying a condom for our saddles? What's next covering our whole bike with a contractor bag? No thanks.

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Black plastic bags from the liquor store keep my saddle and bike undesirable from thieves and dry from the rain.

Water on the Brooks is no bueno, unless its new and it needs some breaking in.

Anne Alt said:

I have a Brooks B67 on my city bike and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. If I leave the bike for more than a few minutes, I use the ugly plastic bag camouflage, as Lisa mentions.

I've been itching to try a Brooks myself but the maintenance and issues with rain have been my primary deterrents. Potential theft issues are also a concern but wouldn't prevent me from buying one as the water/maintenance issues do. 

Brooks came out with a line of saddles called Cambium which are waterproof and maintenance free according to their website. I don't know anyone who has one yet but I'm going to take the plunge when it's released in the C15 size. 

yeah that is different! I signed up to "test" one of those but unfortunately I was not selected.

Rich S said:

I've been itching to try a Brooks myself but the maintenance and issues with rain have been my primary deterrents. Potential theft issues are also a concern but wouldn't prevent me from buying one as the water/maintenance issues do. 

Brooks came out with a line of saddles called Cambium which are waterproof and maintenance free according to their website. I don't know anyone who has one yet but I'm going to take the plunge when it's released in the C15 size. 

Yeah, a condom for the saddle :D

Tony Adams 7 mi said:

All the more reason not to use one for one's daily rider. Now we need to make sure we are carrying a condom for our saddles? What's next covering our whole bike with a contractor bag? No thanks.

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Black plastic bags from the liquor store keep my saddle and bike undesirable from thieves and dry from the rain.

Water on the Brooks is no bueno, unless its new and it needs some breaking in.

Anne Alt said:

I have a Brooks B67 on my city bike and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. If I leave the bike for more than a few minutes, I use the ugly plastic bag camouflage, as Lisa mentions.

Whoah, scratch the brooks saddle!  New wish, penis bike seat.  Merry Christmas to me!
Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Yeah, a condom for the saddle :D

Tony Adams 7 mi said:

All the more reason not to use one for one's daily rider. Now we need to make sure we are carrying a condom for our saddles? What's next covering our whole bike with a contractor bag? No thanks.

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Black plastic bags from the liquor store keep my saddle and bike undesirable from thieves and dry from the rain.

Water on the Brooks is no bueno, unless its new and it needs some breaking in.

Anne Alt said:

I have a Brooks B67 on my city bike and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. If I leave the bike for more than a few minutes, I use the ugly plastic bag camouflage, as Lisa mentions.

Ha! Good one.  I ride over 5000 miles a year, that means my brooks will only last 20 years, riding 100 miles a week! Is there any other saddle on earth proved to last ONLY 100,000?  Sounds like a strong product worth its price. ONLY 100,000.  P'cha


Michael said:

Not worth it. According to Sheldon Brown, they only last 100,000 miles or so before you need to get a new one.

I have a Brooks. It's okay. You have to look at your seat one wish. Most women don't like the Brooks. You don't know 'till you try one. I have a sprung B.17 but would like to get either a Cambium or a Berthoud. The Berthoud has consistently good reports.

Im not a big fan but thats just me. The one I had never wore in very well compared to other saddles I have had. I have a Selle an Atomica and really enjoy it. It is also very durable and withstands weather conditions no problem, even looks cooler as it wears. I also purchased the infinity saddle that was on kickstarter. It looks amazing but I haven't had the chance to ride on it yet. I use pinhead seat and seat post locks to prevent anyone running off with my beloved saddle. 

Here's your chance:

Brooks Honey B17 and saddlebags on sale at Nordstrom  for 50% off. Very good prices.

I've got a Berthoud, and love it. The only 'problem' I'm having is that the leather is thicker, which makes the break-in period longer. I went through all of last season (brevets and such) and I've still got no 'butt dimples' to show in the saddle. I do recall that these saddles come from the hides of grizzled old Swedish cows, though...


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