The Bronzeville Bikes Tour of Bronzeville's Public Art promises both a good workout and an incredible chance to learn about the beauty of Bronzeville's public art through the eyes of a well-renowned artist, collector, and Bronzeville native Patric McCoy. The route, designed by designer and futurist Ladipo Famodu, promises a ride which will showcase the impact which public art has had in the development of Bronzeville.

Schedule of events:

11:30 am-Arrive for tune ups at the Bike Box

12:00pm-Check in begins

12:30pm-Tune Ups On the Go, a brief class from the experts at the Bike Box on how to restore your bike to its former glory without having to call an expert. (we ask for $5 donations to go towards funding the Bike Box!)

12:50 pm-Safety Session

1 pm-Embark on the ride!

3pm-Return to Boxville for celebratory shopping, dancing, and eating at the first shipping container mall in Chicago.

Facebook event link here:

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Hi Kayla, 

Usually better to post an event as an event so people can see it (otherwise it tends to scroll down). It also allows you to add important information e.g. date and time of event. Thanks!!

Thanks so much for your input!


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