I might be a bit behind but I saw this link today and though it looked pretty cool, especailly if you want to kill two birds with one stone by "uglying up your bike" and enhancing safety features. I personally dont think that its ugly but at least it covers the brand.


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My visibility at night has been greatly improved since I started wearing this:

And started riding this:

Ha ha, that looks like it has potential to catch on fire.
holy f*cking sh*t

LeslieB said:
Ha ha, that looks like it has potential to catch on fire.
Christ! *squirts milk out of nose*

justJason said:
My visibility at night has been greatly improved since I started wearing this:

And started riding this:

I was disappointed when I learned Tron guy is a REALLY conservative Republican.
True, the movie was a great big stinking load. And I know Im showing my age here, but when I saw it when it came out in the theater as a teenager ,it was visually stunning for the time.

And how cool is that bike!

Although the dude in the yellow suit could stand to drop a few pounds before trying to look like a cyberhero from the 80's.

M.A.R.K. said:
Worst jeff bridges movie ever.. That and Blown away
I saw the flick in the theaters and thought it was pretty amazing (looking). I saw it on dvd about 8 years ago, and while the story was definitely a reeking pile, the visuals were still damn amazing! I still dig old-school analog/tactile special effects over 100% CGI. Granted, Tron had a lot of computer-generated effects, but a lot of the nifty look was derived from how it was shot (black and white).

Reddog said:
True, the movie was a great big stinking load. And I know Im showing my age here, but when I saw it in the theaters as a teenager ,it was visually stunning for the time.
And how cool is that bike!
Although the dude in the yellow suit could stand to drop a few pounds before trying to look like a cyberhero from the 80's.

M.A.R.K. said:
Worst jeff bridges movie ever.. That and Blown away
It still does stand up visually. Jean Giurrard (Mobius) did some of the desighn work. He would later work on "the Fifth Element" And at the time he had a serial going on in "Heavy Metal" magazine. It nice to know someone else saw it in the theater as well. I was begining to feel all old and creaky!

justJason said:
I saw the flick in the theaters and thought it was pretty amazing (looking). I saw it on dvd about 8 years ago, and while the story was definitely a reeking pile, the visuals were still damn amazing! I still dig old-school analog/tactile special effects over 100% CGI. Granted, Tron had a lot of computer-generated effects, but a lot of the nifty look was derived from how it was shot (black and white).

Reddog said:
True, the movie was a great big stinking load. And I know Im showing my age here, but when I saw it in the theaters as a teenager ,it was visually stunning for the time.
And how cool is that bike!
Although the dude in the yellow suit could stand to drop a few pounds before trying to look like a cyberhero from the 80's.

M.A.R.K. said:
Worst jeff bridges movie ever.. That and Blown away
Ha! I'm getting old (thanks Julie!), and developed my first creak a few days ago. ;-)

I dig Moebius, too. I spent half my life dying to become an illustrator, and have always found his work to be top-notch (almost typed "nop-totch").
lol (laugh out loud or lots of love)..

justJason said:
Ha! I'm getting old (thanks Julie!), and developed my first creak a few days ago. ;-)
I dig Moebius, too. I spent half my life dying to become an illustrator, and have always found his work to be top-notch (almost typed "nop-totch").
Hey, I really enjoyed Tron. Still do. I have the soundtrack on vinyl. Ha.


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