Sad . . . 'God love us!' . . . May those deceased rest in eternal peace.

Newschatter: This incident occurred at 2:05pm Chicago time.
Currently Eight fatalities, more unconfirmed. Possible terrorist activity.

The terrorist who killed eight people and injured 11 in a truck rampage in New York worked for UBER, a friend said.

Sayfullo Saipov, 29, drove into a bike path in Lower Manhattan shortly before 3pm on Tuesday, hitting a number of cyclists and runners.

+ Rest in Peace +
* Nicholas Cleves, 23, of New York City
* Darren Drake, 32, of New Jersey
* Ann-Laure Decadt, 31, of Belgium
* Hernán Ferruchi, 47, of Argentina
* Ariel Erlij, 48, of Argentina
* Alejandro Pagnucco, 47, of Argentina
* Diego Angelini, 47, of Argentina
* Hernán Mendoza, 47, of Argentina

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. . . "and the world will live as one" . . . (3:14)
Victims identified with associated story lines.
'The Last Bicycle Ride of Darren Drake', by Avi Seik and Rachel Siegel. A good read. . .
The last video (0:45) of the Argentines enjoying cycling on the bike path before the terror attack.
. . . 'Community!'. . .

Vigil for the fallen in NYC.

scared the crap out  of me.  I had to text my daughter  who is an NYC biker to  make sure  she was  ok.  She was and did  not yet  know about it.  She replied, "%&*#, I was on  that very path yesterday."

Is there an emergency medical fund set up?


I recommend avoiding social media comments. I'm going to stop now myself, because most I what I've seen is people pushing an anti-bike (and even pro-gun) positions.

Many thanks - I am probably the lone person on the planet that rarely uses Facebook and never Twitter.  I will contact the New York Times for info.


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