our store was broken into last night and a black, size M, Surly Pugsly fat bike serial number # M13071727 was stolen.  Fortunately that's all that was taken and no windows were broken.  We're glad it wasn't worse.  The bike is pretty unique so if anyone sees it around, please let us know. 

Here's the stolen bike registry link: https://stolen.bikeindex.org/bikes/32611

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Ugh! Very sorry. You should also post to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry.

Sorry to hear it. And a 2nd on the Stolen Bike Registry suggestion.

It's on the registry.  We're hoping to get it back one day.  Maybe.  Thanks guys.  

Holy fat tires Batman.  Not the most inconspicuous bike to steal.  We'll keep an eye out for it.

Will keep my eyes open for this...Pugsleys are fairly easy to spot in a lineup...

It's on "a" registry. It's not on "the" Chicago Stolen Bike Registry.

Roscoe Village Bikes said:

It's on the registry.  We're hoping to get it back one day.  Maybe.  Thanks guys.  

We meant to post it on the Chicago but we accidentally did it in just the index.  (There was a lot going on and, we're not exactly practiced at this which is a good thing.) We'll be sure to post on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry tomorrow.  Thanks to everyone for keeping an eye out.  I hope they find out soon that the bike has a magic enchantment on it that curses the thief to daily flat tires.  Ha. Cursed. 

Sorry to hear about this guys and will be on the lookout. I hope its recovered. Bike shops getting hit always really a shame. I hate hearing it.

Sorry to hear that, guys.  It's tragic when bad things happen to good people and you guys are definitely the best.  Will keep an eye out.

Wow, I am sorry to hear about this incident. I was there Monday evening and they didn't say anything about it.

Thanks for all the support everyone.  It could have been so much worse.  Thieves are the worst.  


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