I think last year I read about someone doing a boulevard ride from Humboldt Blvd south then East to Hyde Park. This seems fun. Can someone tell me where I can find a map or precise directions? Also, is it somewhat safe? I'm not familiar with some of the neighborhood it passes. Thank you.

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I found it.. Kinda. Neat show though if you wanna watch it.

This would be a heck of a fun ride: https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=41.890298...


I have not done the Western/Garfield stretch, though, so I can't vouch for its pleasantness.


It would be really fun to do this and then come back north on the lakepath on an early Saturday morning. A good day of riding!

Western and Garfield are hairy for much of the day. Heavy bus traffic.  On Western, the boulevard side does not have bus traffic.  The avenue (western) side does.  Bike lanes have been added to some boulevards in the last year.  If you're going to do this, I recommend starting from Hyde Park as early as possible on a weekend morning (before 9:00 a.m.).  Traffic is much more bearable that way.  If you're starting from Logan Square and planning to go all the way to Garfield, I recommend starting even earlier.

The Garfield/Western boulevards and their medians perfectly examplify how Chicago fails to take advantage of its already-built infrastructure.  I ride Western frequently (from 83rd to 39th) and NEVER see anyone using the vast median park between Garfield and the Canal, where the BLVD part ends.  There should be bike paths down these medians (and the one on Garfield/55th from Western to the Ryan). They'd have to merge with the sidewalks at lights for crossing, and it would be a bit tight around the Western Orange Line station and the viaducts at 39th and north of there, but there is this vast expanse of under-utilized green space that bike paths would make more accessible for residents of these neighborhoods as well as folks from the North Side looking for longer rides. 

I'd also add that while bus and truck traffic on the Avenue (west) side of the divided road can be a bit much, the Boulevard side is very tight as well; no parking lanes, two lanes of traffic each way, and some shopping/industrial stuff that can occasionally send me onto the sidewalk.  On Sundays, I'd almost rather ride the Avenue than the Blvd.

Great ride, do it often, usually on Sunday. Lots of interesting sights, and the neighborhoods are generally safe during daylight hours. (I often time it to be at Rockefeller Chapel at UofC for the 12:15 carillon recital on Sunday.) Agree with previous responders about Western, where traffic can be challenging. Also note there are several stretches of bike lane (Franklin, Douglas, Douglas Park, Marshall, Garfield) that are poorly paved and often strewn with debris and broken glass. Good tires are a must for this ride.

Oh yeah I do the boulevard ride all the time in my little spandex and all that. Totally safe, but there's a lot of stop-and-go. Best to do it mid-day or on holidays when traffic is low. 

I follow the bike lanes on Google maps from logan square to humboldt park to garfield park to douglass park and then you can either take your chances south on California or take Roosevelt into downtown. 

Boulevards Mass Ride, soon?

I actually posted this on my Facebook and a friend of mine and others were interested in doing it too.  That would be so fun!!! I would be in.  I"m horrble at setting things up, but If I did I would like to do the whole thing. I mean all the way south to Gage Park then Garfield Blvd to Hyde Park. It's a long ride. But it would be so awesome with a group of people .  

I would love to see a mass ride through the boulevards in which we send an invitation to each alderman who has a boulevard in their district to join us! (sort of as a way to show to them that Chicago's bike culture extends beyond the Northside * hint, hint... Cardenas in Marshall Boulevard*). Maybe even have some mini block parties at different stops. Just putting this out there... "what do the residents of the boulevards think?"

Alex Z : What is that map?  I was trying to see how many miles that specific route is but it says undefined route.  Thanks! 

Alex Z said:

This would be a heck of a fun ride: https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=41.890298...


I have not done the Western/Garfield stretch, though, so I can't vouch for its pleasantness.


It would be really fun to do this and then come back north on the lakepath on an early Saturday morning. A good day of riding!

This ride is fun, I get to do about 2/3rds of it every morning. Like some others pointed out, go out in early daylight, and have really awesome tires. Western is pretty bad, and a lot of times I opt to go on Oakley where available, California, or even Damen. 

Sacramento southbound from Douglas to Ogden is the most hideous piece of paved bike route I have found in the city. Don't even attempt riding it unless you have fat tires. I usually just take the lane or ride in the median if there is a lot of traffic.

There will be glass, and there are not many shops open that early or even near the route. Go prepared. 

Sounds like a lot of fun! I'd definitely do this.


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