Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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What happened on the issue of his getting the car returned?  At one time he was asking for it, later he didn't seem to ask again.

Any report on the status? Did he get it back or is the District Attorney still holding it?  Did this issue come up again?

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Just a quick up date from the 12/20 pre-trial hearing. 

Happy New Year!  New goals!!

It is sometimes amusing to see  your multiple posts, but this is an inappropriate place.
Domenica Cresap said:

Happy New Year!  New goals!!

"Drivers in fatal crashes will be less likely to get a special kind of probation under a new law that went into effect this year." 

It's too bad this law just went into effect this year, instead of last year.

Just a quick reminder that the next hearing in relation to Bobby Cann’s crash and fatality is Monday after next.:



26th and California

Rm. 301

10:00 a.m.


Keep in mind that phones and recording devices are not allowed in the building and the security line can be long in the morning. So travel light and arrive early. (There are lockers available for a fee to store items but availability is limited. I do not know if an alternative storage option for phones etc.)

The hearings are always open to the public.

An Update on the Bobby Cann Case
by John Greenfield

While the criminal case against Ryne San Hamel, the motorist who killed cyclist Robert “Bobby” Cann while allegedly drunk and speeding, slowly progresses, attorneys for the victim’s family are getting ready to file a wrongful death lawsuit against San Hamel, said Kate Conway, an attorney with Power Rogers & Smith. The firm is investigating the driver’s whereabouts on that day to see if there is anyone else who should be named in the suit, she said. “We have an investigator who has talked to some witnesses.”

The fatal crash happened on the evening of May 29 near Clybourn and Larrabee. Cann, 26, was riding from work at the nearby Groupon offices when San Hamel, 28, struck him. The motorist was charged with reckless homicide, aggravated DUI, misdemeanor DUI, reckless driving, and failure to stay in the lane.

The most recent hearing for the criminal case on December 20th was very brief, she said. During this status report, the prosecution and defense provided an update to Judge Williams Hook about discovery, the process of sharing information between the two sides. Assistant State’s Attorney Maria Augustus told the judge her office needs more time to test and inspect San Hamel’s car in order to do a recreation of the crash. “After the ASA is done testing the vehicle, the defense will have the opportunity to do testing, which I anticipate they will do,” said Conway.

About 15 Cann supporters were present at the hearing, as was San Hamel’s family, she said. The next status hearing was set for Monday, January 27, at 10 a.m. at the Cook County Courthouse, 26th and California, room 301. The discovery phase will likely continue for several months.

There is no way the driver is going to get probation. No matter how good his lawyer is he cannot get around his BAC level. Being politically connected has limits. When he gets sentenced to prison he will have to do 85% of the time because a DUI with a fatality is considered a "violent crime".

Ryne San Hamel Hearing: just a reminder, since this hearing is TOMORROW, Monday January 27th.  Unfortunately, bitter cold is predicted.

Time: January 27, 2014 from 10am to 10:15am
Location: Leighton Criminal Court Building
Street: 2600 S California Ave
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map:
Phone: 877-846-3445
Event Type: hearing, or, trial
Organized By: Judge William Hooks
Latest Activity: Dec 27, 2013

The next HEARING in the continuing sage of the legal process for RYNE  Sanhamel, while allegedly driving drunk with an alleged Blood-Alcohol level of .127 allegedly drove into and allegedly killed cyclist Bobby Cann. This is a criminal proceeding, not a civil proceeding.;

The date is Monday, January 27th  2014 at 10am

Judge William Hooks presiding.

If you’re interested there’s also an automated system available that you can call to get updates on the court case info with regards to location, date and time. The number is 877-846-3445.  Individuals calling this number can simply enter the offender's Identification Record number, which is 2208764 and receive court location, date and time.  In addition, the automated system gives the option for individuals to enter their phone number to receive updated court information.

Hello all. At today's hearing the case was not called as the Judge was required to attend a conference and a substitute judge could not be arranged.

The next hearing is scheduled for 2/20/2014. 10 am, Room 301 at 26th and California.

Jason Jenkins

Crash Support Programs Manager

Active Trans 

The hearings are open to the public, anyone can attend, you don't need the court advocate training simply to attend the hearing.  

You do need to attend the training class to sign in, to register, and to be acknowledged as a Court Advocate. 

The good side is that this registration brings to the attention of the court and States Attorney that there is a continuing large public interest and following.  The bad side is that you might be told not to discuss or share what you observe in court with the public.

Anyone interested in attending the training should contact the 18th District Office to confirm that it is still on and go ahead and go. Walk-ins are not a problem if the training is still taking place.

18th District: (312) 742-5870, ask for the community policing office.

Jason Jenkins

Crash Support Programs
Active Trans

Before you sign up, tho, to be a Court Advocate be aware that you may be asked to maintain a "Code of Silence" and not participate in any discussion on the trial or hearing.  Evidently some people feel any discussion away from court is harmful to the case. 

I'll be criticized for this but it's a "Gag Order" by any other description. 

I applaud what the ATA is doing and I encourage anyone who want to participate in Court Advocacy because they do a good thing and provide support.  It's only the requirement to remain silent that I object to, and why I don't participate.

Do whatever you think is best.



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