Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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He's already posted bond and is out

Out, but passport revoked. Thank you, your honor.

Hello all. Jason Jenkins with Active Trans here.

So I have an update for everyone. Sorry it’s long, the rest won’t be this verbose I hope. There is important info at the bottom, specifically that the court date has been moved up. But read this other stuff first.

I just spoke with the Community Policing Office and it was a very productive conversation and the officer was encouraged that so many people were interested in the case.

What we decided at this point is that it would be a good idea that anyone interested in being a court advocate in this case particularly should get in touch with me via email at I'll serve as the point person and communicate directlywith the Dist. 18 office, this way his office is not overwhelmed and he doesn't have to say the same thing 100 times a day to 100 different people.

So going forward send anyone interested in being a courtroom advocate my way and I'll collect contact info and send updates to everyone at once so everyone has the latest info.

Several things that it will be important to establish going forward per this specific agenda:

  1. The courtroom advocate is a specific job with specific roles, duties and expectations. The hearings are open to the public so anyone can attend, but if you are seated in the courtroom advocate “box” there are some rules. I don’t know all of them yet, but here’s the gist:
    1. We are there as a guest of the Chicago Police Department’s community policing office and our behavior reflects on them. The courtroom has protocols that must be adhered to strictly and has the liberty to eject any individual who doesn’t follow courtroom protocols. If the unruly party came with as a courtroom advocate, they won’t be invited back to participate in that role.
    2. We are there to observe. There may be a chance for us to speak, but the court will decide that. Otherwise, it is our presence, our eyes and ears that are what is important. We will be letting the court know by our presence that the public takes this case seriously and we expect them to as well. We will also be able to report on what we saw and heard, maintaining a greater deal of accountability for the court.

I certainly understand that emotions are raw about this. The defendants attorneys, the defendant, the judge, even the prosecutor may say things that we find upsetting, or even false, but outbursts will not be tolerated by the court. I know we all take this very personally, and there’s nothing wrong with passion, but if anyone feels like they can’t keep those emotions in check, I understand, but this might not be the job for you. I’m sure no one wants to do something that would undercut the goals of this effort.

  1. We are not coordinating any sort of investigative component of this case. If you have info, previous run ins with the driver, screen shots from the drivers MySpace, etc., anything that you think might be useful, please contact the State’s Attorney’s office directly. When I get a specific contact there for this case I’ll post it here.
  2. And finally, and this is not the best for last. Everyone should know, from the get go, that this case could go on for years. As serious as it is, there may be lots of delays, continuances etc. So mentally prepare yourself for that.

Okay, all that said, here’s the latest update.

The Defendant’s next trial date has changed. New trial date is

June 19th at 12:00 pm

26th and California

Branch 66, Room 101

(Like I said, anyone can come, but if you specifically want to participate as an official courtroom advocate please email me at

It will most likely be a probable cause hearing. If it is a probable cause hearing what will likely happen is the State’s Attorney and the Defense will present their arguments, evidence etc. to the judge who will then decide if he or she believes that in all likelihood what the SA is claiming happened is probable.

This will be a good hearing for us to attend though as it will impress upon everyone how serious this matter is.

It is basically a mini-trial and somewhat of a formality to prevent bogus cases from getting into the system and clogging it up. According to everyone I’ve spoken with, it’s highly improbable that the judge would not clear the case to move forward, so don’t fret. 

After that there may be lots of smaller hearings, continuances, etc. which may be short little affairs where not much happens. My impression is that may go on for a long time but it is still worthwhile to have a court advocate there for them, but we’ll try to pace ourselves.

Okay, that’s all for now. Going forward, I’m not going to post lots of updates here per the courtroom advocacy roles. If you want to stay up to date on that aspect of the case please contact me via email and I’ll include you in regular email updates.


Thanks again and let me know if you have any specific questions.


Jason Jenkins

Education Specialist/Crash Support Programs Manager

Active Transportation Alliance

Whoa.  ATA really steps out on this one.  Some very reasonable demands.   They state:

As for San Hamel, there’s no excuse for his actions. We all want to see justice served, for him, for his family, for his friends, but most of all for society.

What we don't want to see is a deal offering lesser charges in exchange for a plea of guilty for reasons of politics or expediency. We do not want to see Bobby’s death reduced to a misdemeanor affair. We do not want to see the death of another cyclist or pedestrian treated as “just one of those things that happens."

We want the state's attorney to prosecute San Hamel for reckless homicide and felony aggravated driving under the influence involving a death, because that’s what happened. And we do not want to see San Hamel behind the wheel of a car ever again.

Here's the link....

Here's the link....

This link is broken, no longer functional.

Here's the new link:

Active Trans Thank You.

Thank you, indeed.

Simone said:

Active Trans Thank You.

Not sure if everyone has seen this:

+1. Just saw, just donated, just came here to make sure it had been posted. I'm already an Active Trans member but couldn't pass up the opportnity to chip in a little more in Bobby Cann's memory.

foofy q. said:

Not sure if everyone has seen this:

Thanks, Jason and Foofy. I'm also already an Active Trans member happy to chip in a little more to keep the wheels of progress rolling.

Quick update:

Got info that the June 19th court date may not be a Probable Cause Hearing after all.

May very well just be a hearing at which a Judge is assigned to the case, in which case it would only last a couple of minutes and would probably not be the place to make the biggest impact as an observer. I'll post an update when I know something more certain.



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