I say no more

This is such bullshit - we should organize a ride there CCM style - I bet their lil jail could hold maybe five of us

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Yep, dumber by the minute.

H3N3 said:
Or we could take peeps, dip them in used motor oil, and mail them to all 100 residents.

This country just keep getting dumber.
Everyone should walk in a town that small.
Well that's one way to set an example against childhood obesity - "Kids, let's bus to the casino, where we can sit at slot machines all day!"
Good point, Katie!

Katie Paffhouse said:
Well that's one way to set an example against childhood obesity - "Kids, let's bus to the casino, where we can sit at slot machines all day!"
You know, lots of parts of Chicago you can get ticketed and arrested for riding on the sidewalk. Can't ride on Ridge Ave in Evanston, etc ... There must be a reason, right? Not that I agree with this, but before we pass judgment does anyone have any decent pics of the 400 meter section on the 1 street they are talking about. It is within the towns right to vote it through, thank Gosh we still have that right in this country. It may be a dumb move, it may not. I could only judge by the amount of traffic and how narrow the street is. I mean this was not passed for no reason out of the blue. Ever consider it may actually save someone's life. Why is everyone dumb when it does not agree with them ?
Its bullshit dude. I have been to Blackhawk. Its just like any ol small town. If biking in the loop during rush hour isn't labeled 'too intense',
then biking here surely can't be. Its a lil poduck town making a fascist law. Imagine biking across the country but having to walk through
This town for fear of being arrested. Its a bike and this law sets a scary precedent.

Chicago has banned sidewalk riding for obvious safety reasons. When leaving a business on the sidewalk how do you know if a cyclist is racing by ready to smash into the door?
If you been there and that is what you think, then I agree cause you have 100% credibility with me and I have never known you to act without some good sense. Dig...

Aaron Bussey said:
Its bullshit dude. I have been to Blackhawk. Its just like any ol small town. If biking in the loop during rush hour isn't labeled 'too intense',
then biking here surely can't be. Its a lil poduck town making a fascist law. Imagine biking across the country but having to walk through
This town for fear of being arrested. Its a bike and this law sets a scary precedent.

Chicago has banned sidewalk riding for obvious safety reasons. When leaving a business on the sidewalk how do you know if a cyclist is racing by ready to smash into the door?
Aaron Bussey said:
Imagine biking across the country but having to walk through

Wouldn't happen. Adventure Cycling would pass the town on the route and possibly put a special "F' THIS TOWN!" on their maps. :)
"The rules will allow bicycle traffic that originates locally to continue to operate with City Manager authorisation (sic - silly Brits), while still assuring that such traffic can operate in a manner that is not incompatible with vehicular traffic," says another clause.

Cycling permits? Seems to me like nothing more than a ham handed ploy to generate additional revenue. It shouldn't be surprising coming from a town that apparently chose gambling as a viable replacement for a defunct economic base. Anyway, if the state of Colorado regularly looks to towns with a population of "just over 100" for legal precedent, then they've certainly got much bigger issues to deal with.
Who f'ing cares what some small town idiots do. So, don't go to that town expecting to bike. The pretension is mighty thick these days isn't it? LEGISLATION! So American! Like any of you would have cared if not for the anti-bike sentiment.
It sets a nasty precedent Matt. What if this kind of legislation spreads.....?
i was going to add that the buried lead here is about yet another town's dependency on gambling revenue as its economy's life support, but that discussion is for another thread...


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