I work set-up and take-down crew for a lot of the near west summer street fairs, and I see some dangerous behavior that I'd like to point out.  I know how it is:  You're biking along and the street is closed, but it's late at night, and--hey--I'm on a bicycle, and I can go right through!  Before you do, though, please think twice about your own safety and that of others.


If it's a Friday night or a Sunday night (typically--your results may vary), what is happening on that street is that a lot of heavy equipment is moving around; there are no traffic rules inside the street fair area; parts of the street are completely blocked; and (most important) NO ONE is looking for bicycles.  They are all trying to get their jobs done and go home and get some sleep. 


I've seen a lot of bikers get themselves into stupid situations inside a street fair take-down.  Not only that, but the bikes are a potential hazard for the people working there.  So, please, take the one-block detour.  Or walk your bike.  (I know--We all hate to walk the bike.)  Or ride slowly on the sidewalk.  Or at least be aware of the risk you are taking.  I don't want to be the one offering first aid or calling 911. 

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Lisa is absolutely right.  It's a LOT safer for you and the set-up/teardown crews if you walk through or take a different route.
It's funny how the More Wheels Are Dickish To Fewer Wheels principle of cars to bikes remains intact when applied from bikes to pedestrians.
come on H3N3 I'd go easy on Serge after you said this: ;P

H3N3 said:
"That's the best part of the street fests I can really fly those couple of blocks."
Of course the "libertarian" view from the crew that I've heard is, "You can't save people from themselves."  Obviously, I don't believe that, or I wouldn't have posted....
Why the bashing on Libertarians?
I forgot to mention about how I do track stands on the ice cream trailers.

H3N3 said:
Whoa, Davo, that's harsh ;-)

Davo said:
If a large piece of machinery gets in my way I'll just hop over it. The real problem is cyclists who don't have the mad skillz I have and overestimate their abilities.

They were in the way & I overestimated my hopping ability

James Baum said:
Why the bashing on Libertarians?
Do they make special nylon grinding attachments for Freestyle railing on libertarians?


I'm trying not to, but, geez, these downtown events sure do screw up my Jackson crossing.

I know, Adams or Balbo; but at 7:00 AM, I'm on cruise control and the brain isn't quite working alternatives out yet . . .



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