Hello I would like to know if anyone has ever done a bike trip from Chicago to Milwaukee and if you have any advice and tips. Thanks. 

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was just looking the Wrigley 100 in Aug.... here is the route

If you ever need someone to ride with...I would do it..(average 15mph)

Here's a write-up of my ride from Chicago to Milwaukee on trails last summer with the New Belgium Brewery guys. If you spend the night in Kenosha be sure to hit up the Rendezvous tiki bar!





John Greenfield

Thanks for this post. I'm actually planning on doing this to go to Summerfest in June. Much appreciated.

Taking advantage of the tailwinds, I rode to Kenosha last weekend via burb streets and the John McLory(sp?) path which becomes crushed limestone before and after the Wisconsin border.


On the way back I rode the Metra, which is $7 for the weekend pass. If you want to save time, you can take the train to Kenosha, ride to Milwaukee (35 miles each way), and do the opposite on the way back.


I'm definitely doing this one of these weekends.

some photos of the route I took from Mil to Chi can be found here: (part of a set of a trip to Detroit and back)



Thanks Joe. Did you take a ferry too? Nice photos.

Joe TV said:

some photos of the route I took from Mil to Chi can be found here: (part of a set of a trip to Detroit and back)



Thanks MagMileMarauder.  I think I am interested in doing directly Chicago to Milwaukee.  Doing research to do it in a couple of weeks.  



MagMileMarauder said:

Taking advantage of the tailwinds, I rode to Kenosha last weekend via burb streets and the John McLory(sp?) path which becomes crushed limestone before and after the Wisconsin border.


On the way back I rode the Metra, which is $7 for the weekend pass. If you want to save time, you can take the train to Kenosha, ride to Milwaukee (35 miles each way), and do the opposite on the way back.


I'm definitely doing this one of these weekends.

Etienne said:

Thanks MagMileMarauder.  I think I am interested in doing directly Chicago to Milwaukee.  Doing research to do it in a couple of weeks.  



If you are looking to just get to Milwaukee I suggest cutting west on Old Elm St. (at Fort Sheridan) and then turning north on St. Mary's Rd. If you hold that line north (you'll have to make a few jogs onto different roads) eventually you'll hit County Road H in Wisconsin and then Nicholosn Rd on into Milwaukee.

If you want to stay by the lake, there are trails for most of the length and its quite scenic but longer and slower with some crushed gravel sections.

I do no recommend riding on Sheridan north of Fort Sheridan. Some parts are horrible (i.e. through Zion).
Thanks for the photos.  How long did it take for you to bike to Detroit and then back to Muskegon?  Is it a ride you'd recommend?

Joe TV said:

some photos of the route I took from Mil to Chi can be found here: (part of a set of a trip to Detroit and back)



Here's a route(google maps) we used 3 years ago when a group here went, fun ride.
I made the round trip in 6 days - 3 days out (south of the lake) and 3 days back (by way of Muskegon and ferry).  Most days were @ 100 miles.  The ride from Detroit (actually Ann Arbor) to Muskegon is pretty nice!  Specifically I did that in 2 days, ending in Milwaukee.  I rode south of Lansing which is a lot of rural farm roads, relatively nice riding, light traffic, clean air, mostly flat . . . I spent a night with a friend in Grand Rapids, and then headed for the Museketawa trail, which I definitely recommend.  It will take you most of the way between GR and Muskegon.  Riding through Muskegon to the lakefront was not a highlight, but the ferry ride was enjoyable.  

magomawe said:
Thanks for the photos.  How long did it take for you to bike to Detroit and then back to Muskegon?  Is it a ride you'd recommend?

Joe TV said:

some photos of the route I took from Mil to Chi can be found here: (part of a set of a trip to Detroit and back)



Just wrote a bit more that got lost.  Recap:


Much of my route thru southern MI took me on MI 60.  MI 12 is also a popular road from what I hear, but I wanted to get closer to Jackson MI to visit family.  MI 60 was very rideable for the most part with wide shoulders.  But it also has fast moving traffic and semis.  It was relatively fast and direct, but not the most scenic or relaxed.  There are portions where the shoulder could be wider, but I felt fine most of the time.  


I averaged 13 mph.  I spent 8 to 10 hours en route everyday.  I'm a late riser so wouldn't get started until 11 or noon, but always was racing the sun in the evenings.  I camped at Warren State Dunes on night 1 and at Potowatami campsite in Union City MI on night 2.  I made it to Ann Arbor and friends on the evening of day 3.  

On the return trip I went from Ann Arbor to Grand Rapids and stayed with friends.  A day or two visiting and then another day on the bike to Milwaukee by way of the Musketawa Trail (excellent!) and the Lake Express ferry.  Milwaukee was cold and wet and it was late so I found a hotel.  Milwaukee to Chicago was a very nice leg on various trails, mostly crushed limestone.  


(I never did actually ride into Detroit, sorry to be misleading.  Chicago to Ann Arbor by bike with a car trip to Detroit would be more accurate)


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