Bikes on the South Shore line. Question for Active Trans

I'm mainly posting this to see if there is any work being done to change the policy of no bikes on the South Shore train line.  I recently rode to MI and was thinking of how many great biking opportunities would be opened up by being able to take a train to Michigan City.  Thanks

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"We are currently involved in a planning contract (as a sub contractor to JJR Engineering) to improve non-motorized access (bike, walk, transit) to the Indiana Dunes and bike access on the South Shore may come to the forefront in that plan."

What was the result of this, Ethan?

Reading the Amtrak site, I also understood that no baggage is allowed on the Pere Marquette to Grand Rapid.

No baggage = no bikes.

Riding to Grand Rapids, I took the clockwise route instead:
Metra to Kenosha,
Bike to Milwaukee
Ferry to Muskegon
Bike to Grand Rapids

I had a great time. But the ferry is expensive.

just wondering, is the south shore line still a bike-free zone?

As of now, it looks that way.

bob hsiung said:

just wondering, is the south shore line still a bike-free zone?


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