I'm confused about the rush hour bike ban on Metra. The Metra Bikes on Trains page says:

Bicycles are permitted on weekday trains arriving in Chicago before 6:31AM and after 9:30AM and leaving Chicago before 3:00PM and after 7:00PM and on all weekend trains.

For the UP-N and UP-NW lines which I most commonly ride, when I put in a source and destination in the Schedule Finder the "Bikes Allowed" row in the resulting schedule is consistent with this policy.

However, I've been looking at camping in one of the Kane County campgrounds (Paul Wolff or Big Rock), and when I enter a schedule for the BNSF and MD-W lines, it shows bikes allowed only on trains leaving Chicago before 3:00 PM--but not trains leaving after 7:00 PM.

Is there something I don't know about the western Metra lines? If I try to take a bike on a post-7:00pm train on one of these lines, will I be turned away?

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Best bet is to look at the schedule for the line in question. Click here for the MD-W as a sample

At the bottom of each column it's stated how many bikes allowed per train. If it's blank then no bikes. Besides that be aware of blackout dates such as Air & Water Show Weekend. And don't forget to bring a bungee to secure your bike once on board. 

Unfortunately, something happened to the "bikes allowed" info with some recent change to the Metra web site.  Now the Rock Island does not show ANY info on # of bikes allowed, and info is missing on some other lines, as with the example you described.

If you're getting trying to bring your bike on a BNSF or MD-W train leaving downtown after 7:00 p.m. on most days, you should not be turned away.

To anyone who's frustrated by this web site snafu, I encourage you to send comments to Metra and ask them to fix it. 

Online comment form: http://metrarail.com/content/metra/en/home/about_metra/contact_metr...

or email address: metrarail_feedback@metrarr.com

Thank you both for the responses; I was able to ride on the 8:20 BNSF out of Aurora with no problems. I will send them an e-mail noting the issue with their web schedule finder.

Glad to hear that it worked out.

I never use the Schedule Finder.

Just click on 'Download PDF Schedule' and you get the same brochure they have at the station. All the bikes allowed are there. BNSF allows 10 bikes on trains leaving Chicago at 7:40 PM, 8:40 PM, etc (but only 5 bikes on the train arriving in Chicago at 6:22 AM. That's odd).

Yes--thus far I've been lucky and never been barred from a train on which bikes are nominally allowed, but I always worry about getting stranded this way.

(Last year my girlfriend and I took the UP-NW one Saturday (with our heavily-loaded bikes) to go camping at Marengo Ridge; unbeknownst to us it was Kentucky Derby day and the train quickly filled with mint-julep-drinking seersucker-clad revelers headed to the Arlington racetrack to watch the race. It was more crowded than I've ever seen a Metra train, and the conductor gave up on even trying to check tickets or collect fares. Eventually he confronted us, asking when we'd gotten on, and angrily told us that if he'd seen us boarding he would have stopped us. But fortunately he didn't throw us off. Since then I've made doubly sure every time I ride the UP-NW in the spring that it's not Derby weekend.)

That's also a risk with big music festivals at Ravinia when riding the UP-N line. At least then it's not too far south to catch the purple line back into the city. 

I would avoid the most popular Metra trains on the weekend during the summer, particularly if you're boarding in the middle of the route. So, UP-N, UP-NW, BNSF, there's a good chance they'll be 'full' (or what the conductor considers full). Take an early train, or get on near the beginning of the route if you want a space for your bike.


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