Bikers that always cut to the front of the line, repeatedly....

I am always getting quite annoyed of those fellow bikers, whom ride much slower than you, get in front of you at intersections. This is particularly bad on the diagonal roads where they will try to shortcut the light by pulling half way across it. 

Don't these guys have a clue after the 5th or 6th time that I pass them before they even finish getting across the intersection? It's not like this "head start" is really getting them up to speed any quicker. Most of the time they are just causing a potential conflict as I pass them....

I notice that it usually are the ones that are riding fixed gear... 

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I treat Divvy like cars with out of state plates.  I don't expect them to know what they're doing, plus they're spending money in town.  So they get a break.

It's pretty great.  I remember when it was just a handful of old kooks riding in traffic, these days it's a dozen + bikes at every red light near the end of my commute. Good times.

h' 1.0 said:

What's it like seeing other people on bikes on your way to work? I've always wondered.

yeah i really want to like the service in theory and hopefully over coming months people will start to get the hang of using them but in the mean time oh hello fellow colliding with me head-on because he took an abrupt left turn from the wrong way on a one-way street straight into my face which was in the bike lane on another one-way street 

Tricolor said:

I treat Divvy like cars with out of state plates.  I don't expect them to know what they're doing, plus they're spending money in town.  So they get a break.

Quite a lot of them don't seem to understand that it's illegal (not to mention rude) to ride on the sidewalk here, including the fellow Divvying his way down a narrow River North sidewalk today at 6pm.

It says right on the stations (in multiple languages?) that it's illegal.

My guess is that they're afraid of getting seriously injured or killed by cars.

Maurice said:

Quite a lot of them don't seem to understand that it's illegal (not to mention rude) to ride on the sidewalk here, including the fellow Divvying his way down a narrow River North sidewalk today at 6pm.

So ironic since your odds of getting hit by a car go way up riding on the sidewalk...  That GIF that was posted up earlier...  I bet this guy from the earlier poster wished he wasn't riding on the sidewalk...  Nearly hit by a car then finally hit by another biker...

h' 1.0 said:

It says right on the stations (in multiple languages?) that it's illegal.

My guess is that they're afraid of getting seriously injured or killed by cars.

Maurice said:

Quite a lot of them don't seem to understand that it's illegal (not to mention rude) to ride on the sidewalk here, including the fellow Divvying his way down a narrow River North sidewalk today at 6pm.

Depends on how one rides. If one were hell-bent on maintaining a steady pace of 14-16 mph, maybe.

I find the notion that one is less safe riding on the sidewalk than in the street with cars unlikely.

scott stevens said:

So ironic since your odds of getting hit by a car go way up riding on the sidewalk...  That GIF that was posted up earlier...  I bet this guy from the earlier poster wished he wasn't riding on the sidewalk...  Nearly hit by a car then finally hit by another biker...

h' 1.0 said:

It says right on the stations (in multiple languages?) that it's illegal.

My guess is that they're afraid of getting seriously injured or killed by cars.

Maurice said:

Quite a lot of them don't seem to understand that it's illegal (not to mention rude) to ride on the sidewalk here, including the fellow Divvying his way down a narrow River North sidewalk today at 6pm.

h' 1.0 said:

I find the notion that one is less safe riding on the sidewalk than in the street with cars unlikely.

OTOH, the people on the sidewalk are probably less safe with bike traffic on the sidewalk than without it.

I have more important things to worry about. And since when do we call cyclists "bikers"?

Since always.

Will said:

I have more important things to worry about. And since when do we call cyclists "bikers"?

I grew up thinking that "bikers" rode motorcycles and "bikies" rode bicycles.  Applying the term "bikers" to cyclists seems weird to me.

This has been discussed before. Call it whatever you want!

We ride bicycles. Therefore, those are bikes, and we are cyclists. Since we own bikes, we are bikers.

Motorcycles, on the other hand, the riders should also be cyclists and also motorists. 

Which actually came first? Bicycles (1860)? Motorcycles (1867)? Since Motorcycles (IMHO) were based off bicycles, can then their riders also be called bikers?

The term "bikers" were coined when motorcycle gangs gained notoriety. You want to call yourselves bikers for riding bicycles? By all means, do it!

But, "bikies"? 


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