Bikers that always cut to the front of the line, repeatedly....

I am always getting quite annoyed of those fellow bikers, whom ride much slower than you, get in front of you at intersections. This is particularly bad on the diagonal roads where they will try to shortcut the light by pulling half way across it. 

Don't these guys have a clue after the 5th or 6th time that I pass them before they even finish getting across the intersection? It's not like this "head start" is really getting them up to speed any quicker. Most of the time they are just causing a potential conflict as I pass them....

I notice that it usually are the ones that are riding fixed gear... 

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Hilarious link, especially this part, 

"Nevertheless, it's important to remember that you should behave at an intersection the same way you would in a public restroom, in that you should wait your turn and keep a polite distance. Shoaling is like sidling up to someone at a urinal, unzipping your fly, and "joining in," so unless you're trying to pull a Larry Craig you should do your best take your place at the back of the line."

Even though this is the 1st I've heard of (or encountered) bikers doing this, I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate & just purpose that, maybe, they don't realize they're doing that. Maybe, possibly, potentially, uhn, uhn... 

I don't do that cutting thing but I roll, recreationaly, on a Giant mountain bike & don't do speed biking nor do I ride where many intersections are, so I just don't know BUT if they are cutting on purpose, "F" em & keep rollin' right past them' (as they're panting & prob out of breath) LOL   :)~

I experience this pretty often too!  Yesterday someone did it at the Damen/Diversey/Clybourn six way intersection, and Damen narrows significantly just past the intersection.  So I have to be stuck behind someone I've recently passed (often multiple times, if they've just shoaled the Damen/North/Milwaukee intersection and blown the light at the highway exit) or swing out into traffic to get around them.  So annoying.  Should I say, please don't make me pass you AGAIN?? 

Equally annoying are people who repeatedly blow past as I'm rolling to red lights and then slam on the brakes, only to be passed 5 seconds after the light turns green. Or much sooner than 5 seconds if I've timed the light correctly. Getting to the red light faster than me won't get you to your destination any faster, friend.

Both groups seemed strangely obsessed with the idea that they're faster than they actually are. As a commuter, I just want to get to my destination in one piece.

Uggh, this is such a pet peeve of mine on Milwaukee. And the shoalers inevitably forget to downshift before stopping and lack the ability to ride in a straight line, so I'm forced to stay back and watch them wobble as they try to get started once the light changes. 

Fast people are not on Milwaukee. They would rather do extra distance and avoid the nonsense.

What's it like seeing other people on bikes on your way to work? I've always wondered.

It's called shoaling.

I thought shoaling was that thing where you share a urinal with a stranger ...?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

It's called shoaling.

Either you just started riding recently or just have thin skin. I hope winter comes early this year.

it's funny because I admit I do it too. Only thing is, I actually have a reason to do it, I ride fast. The thing that I don't do is, if someone is faster than me, I will let them go ahead of me, and that is how it should be.


h' 1.0 said:

What's it like seeing other people on bikes on your way to work? I've always wondered.


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