Per the Trib. Anybody have more details?

A bicyclist was critically injured when he was struck by an SUV on the Northwest Side late Sunday night, according to police.

The bicyclist, whose age was not immediately released, was struck by a Chevrolet Suburban about 11:30 p.m. at the intersection of West Addison Street and North Milwaukee Avenue, police said.

The SUV was making a left turn from a northbound lane of Milwaukee, police said.

The bicyclist was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in critical condition.

Police cited the driver for failure to yield right of way on a left turn.


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Yeep. I heard the ambulance for this last night.

The Sun-Times has only a tid-bit more. They refer to this as 9:45pm, and the bicyclist as 22 years old.

This is so true, the minute you saved isnt worth the risk.


Yesterday, I witnessed an SUV "bully" another car that was trying to park by laying on it's horn and lurching towards the parking vehicle aggresively. I was just shocked. You wouldnt do this to someone trying to walk in a doorway or another cyclist dismounting to the right in a bike lane. There should be a light in vehicles reminding you to fasten your seatbelt and check your ego.

Jeff Schneider said:

The cyclist was not struck by a Chevrolet Suburban.  He was struck by the driver of this vehicle.  Drivers are always in such an effing hurry.  It really bugs me.

I believe that most drivers don't want to hurt anyone.  But given the choice between slowing down for two seconds or endangering the life of a cyclist or pedestrian, they will almost always choose the latter.

I wish everyone would remember, whether driving or biking, that it is just not a big deal to slow down and be careful.  You have the time.


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