We are seeking submissions for the 12th Chicago Critical Mass Bike Winter Art Show. This year we will have two shows running simultaneously at Mercury Cafe and the Flatiron Arts Building through February 2009. Feel free to use this thread to share ideas, the Bike Winter Art Show works best when people collaborate!

Critical Mass Photo Booth
Mercury Cafe
Opening Friday February 6

This show will be dedicated to
Critical Mass related/inspired
photography and graphics.

Submit by: Thursday February 5
Contact: Steven Lane

Bike Winter Art Show
Flatiron Arts Building
Opening Friday February 13

This show will be dedicated to
bike art of all media/type.
There will also be several nights
of programing featuring
fashion, video, performance.

Submit by: Sunday February 8
Contact: Stuart Hall


For a full listing of this year's events:

Videos of last year's art show events:

WBEZ did a piece about last year's show:


You have a month to produce some bike art! We are open to incorporating freek-bikes, craft, fashion, performance, video, and just about anything you can think of, so contact us ASAP to let us know what you have for the show (sketches/photos of your work and dimensions are way helpful to know in advance).

The closing party at the Flatiron Arts Building will be a benefit for West Town Bikes, and we are also looking for items to raffle/auction off, so consider providing an objet d'bikeart for the cause.

Art drop off details coming soon, contact me if you do not want to be on this email list and receive further messages.


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i have some video from cm shot from a tall bike
This weekend is a great time to drop off your submissions
for the big bike art show, and we are hosting a stencil and
screen printing party.

Sat Jan 31 & Sun Feb 1,
2pm - 8pm both days

Studio 350, Flatiron Arts Building
1579 North Milwaukee Ave.

We have plenty of supplies, even a 1" button maker, but we need clothes, bags, hats, cloth and paper to print on. The rule is to bring one item for yourself and another to donate to the show. If you have your own designs that you would like to produce, please be prepared to bring your own supplies.

Check out pix of another printing party we've hosted:
I like bike.

If you make shirts, hats or any bike related garment, February 21st is your night.
We will have a place for you to sell your stuff.
The 12th Chicago Bike Winter Art Show Presents

Critical Mass Photo Booth:
Portraits of the Sons and Daughters
of the Velorution

A photographic exhibition running Feb 6-28
at Mercury Cafe, 1505 West Chicago Ave

Opening Party Fri Feb 6, 6-10pm
After Party at Castle Bikenstein 10pm - 3am,
1551 W. Chicago Ave

Everyone is welcome to submit photos to the show,
just bring your pictures to Mercury Cafe this
Thursday evening from 6-9pm. Even un-mounted/framed
snapshots printed at a drugstore will do; the idea is to
cover the massive walls of Mercury Cafe with CCM photos
and graphics. We will also be featuring a projector with
looping videos and images, so bring me digital work on a
CD or memory stick.

Thursday is my birthday, so please don't leave me empty
handed hanging the show alone!

The 12th Chicago Bike Winter Art Show Presents

Critical Mass Photo Booth:
Portraits of the Sons and Daughters
of the Velorution

A photographic exhibition running Feb 6-28
at Mercury Cafe, 1505 West Chicago Ave

Opening Party Fri Feb 6, 6-10pm
After Party at Castle Bikenstein 10pm - 3am,
1551 W. Chicago Ave

Everyone is welcome to submit photos to the show,
just bring your pictures to Mercury Cafe this
Thursday evening from 6-9pm. Even un-mounted/framed
snapshots printed at a drugstore will do; the idea is to
cover the massive walls of Mercury Cafe with CCM, WNBR,
or other big bike parade photos and graphics. We will also
be featuring a projector with looping videos and images,
so bring me digital work on a CD or memory stick.

Thursday is my birthday, so please don't leave me empty
handed hanging the show alone!


hey everyone,
we're blown away by the variety and number of submissions this year, and we realize everyone is still working hard to pull their bike art together, so the deadline has been extended 1 DAY!


--> Tue Feb 10, 6-10pm

--> Wed Feb 11, 6-10pm

All work must be ready to hang and delivered to:

--> Flat Iron Arts Bldg. 1579 N. Milwaukee Ave, Studio 350

Be prepared to help hang your art, and we need lots of help setting up the show.

Questions? Locked Out?
Contact Stuart Hall, 312.719.7010

REMEMBER, we open this Friday the 13th and there are five
evenings of bike art fun this month:
BIG THANKS to everyone that has contributed to the art show so far, proper credits are forthcoming, but check out this time lapse video leading up to opening night to really understand the scope of the effort involved:


Bike Winter Open Mic & Video
Thu Feb 19, 7-10pm

Bike Fashion Bazaar
Sat Feb 21, 7-10pm

Bike-In Movie Night
Thu Feb 26, 7-10pm

Bike Winter Carnival {4 Bands!}
Benefit for West Town Bikes
Thu Feb 26, 7-10pm

Awesome video! really good!
Agreed! Great job to everyone, on the video and on the entire Art Show (of course there are more events to come!). I'm proud & happy & lucky to be a cyclist in the awesomely diverse Chicago cycling community, and this to me is certainly a great celebration of it all.
YOU are getting it done...
It was cool to see how Dubi's Bike Salute project turned out. I stopped at Flash Taco for a bite before checking out the Art Show. As I sat in the front window enjoying a bit of people watching, I noticed images in a window of the Flatiron Bldg and looked up. I watched the whole thing and saw some folks passing on the sidewalk who stopped to watch it too. Then I went up to see the rest of the show.
here is another venue for all of the bike art if you want to show it again.


I never heard of this gallery which apparently sells its own brand of moisturizer.
I started a group called Bicycle Art, It's open to anyone.


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