If you are unemployed or self employed and wish to join a team for the Bike to Work competition, please contact me and you can join Independents on Wheels.

If you are employed, it's time for you to start a team at your workplace.  Get others to join you biking to work.  Don't just set a good example.  Get the word out that you want everybody who's able to bike to work - to bike to work.

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Riding their bike to the Metra station counts as "biking to work" so suggest that they do that.  Then go to http://www.activetrans.org/biketowork and start your team.

Finally someone is thinking of the commutes of the unemployed. If it weren't for me, who would be buying corn dogs and doritos from 7-11 at 2:30 in the afternoon? Army of one, right here. 

Ash - you are invited to join Independents on Wheels.  Just go to http://reg.bikecommuterchallenge.org/teams/160 and click on Join this team


Ash L. said:

Finally someone is thinking of the commutes of the unemployed. If it weren't for me, who would be buying corn dogs and doritos from 7-11 at 2:30 in the afternoon? Army of one, right here. 

Last year I was playing for "Team Swag."  Househusbands of the biking world UNITE!

You are independent if you have nobody with whom to start a team at work.  Just go here to sign up:


So far there are only 6 of us.  We can handle more.

Nice article from the metropolital Planning Council (includes a couple of short videos) on overcoming those bike-to-work fears:

Ride your bike to work! No excuses!

CDOT adding additional striping in the bike lanes on 18th Street, near the river bridge. Check it out on your way to work!

Bike to Work Week is coming up soon: June 9 to 15! Get your office rolling with Active Transportation Alliance's Bike Commuter Challenge!

Your train is packed. Your bus is stuck in traffic. You arrive at the office, already worn out from your commute, and chug a tall cup of coffee to get going again. A great start to another work day.

Or, you could ride your bike to work and arrive awake and refreshed, ready to tackle another day. What's that? You've never tried riding your bike to work? Oh, I see. You have a whole list of excuses. Well, let's get those out of the way.


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